Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 19

Nikolai Semko # :

Well Ok
you didn't provide this file, that's why I make assumptions.
Let's wait for the version with all files to be able to test it live.

I carefully read your conversation through the translator, Nikolay Semko I think you are right, I hope my words will not offend the author, your programming skills are excellent.
The best way to handle events is to use a pointer implementation that separates the Internal_API.mqh file created by the engine.
When a button is pressed or released, those are the two events. The engine can generate a function for the button, such as setButton1Click(void* ptr), and then call it in the event: ptr() of the button, this string "setButton1Click(void* ptr)" is called by the user. in his EA, the ptr is a pointer to the function, fully spelled out in the user's file, so Internal_API will still work fine, but doesn't need any changes.
That's my understanding, regardless, I'm still waiting for the author's masterpiece.
I don't know if you will open source the GUI engine , if it will be open source , I believe someone will collaborate to improve this project, if it will not be open source , I can totally understand it , it's your job.
If I write a lot of my own processing code in Internal_API, when I change the GUI, add buttons again and generate Internal_API, does that mean I need to copy the code from the old Internal_API into the new Internal_API file?
Try to turn in a digestible format into an article.... and provide the material in full - to make it more interesting.....

hini project, if it is not open source I can totally understand it, it is your job.
The engine and Builder will be open source and anyone can make any changes they wish, although I don't recommend doing so without a thorough understanding of how they work.

The engine is essentially a small copy of the constructor. For convenience of connection it is placed in one file. The engine contains mechanisms necessary for the operation of controls and windows, but not those responsible for creating a GUI according to the instructions of the markup code. It accepts events from the OnChartEvent() function from the user advisor/indicator and implements reactions and behaviour of the GUI.
hini GUI, add buttons again and generate Internal_API, does that mean I need to copy the code from the old Internal_API into the new Internal_API file?
In part, yes. Changing the GUI can be different. For example, if you change some decorative things in the interface without adding new elements (this is important), you don't need to print a new Internal_API file. But if you create new elements, windows, tables, or rename them, then the API file must be either corrected or replaced by copying the code from the former to the new one. In principle, this is not very difficult, but it depends on the number of changes made. Therefore, it is advisable to finish the interface in the constructor first, so that you don't have to do this work repeatedly.
Roman Shiredchenko #:
Try to turn in a digestible format into an article.... and provide the material in full - to make it more interesting.....

If there will be public interest, yes.
Реter Konow #:
In part, yes. Changing the GUI can be different. For example, if you change some decorative things in the interface without adding new elements (it's important), you don't need to print a new Internal_API file. But if you create new elements, windows, tables, or rename them, then the API file must be either corrected or replaced by copying the code from the former to the new one. In principle, this is not very difficult, but it depends on the number of changes made. Therefore, it is advisable to finish the interface in the designer first so that you don't have to do this work repeatedly.
It's hard to design the interface in advance, and it's not uncommon to improve the interface while you're working on it, sometimes removing an element, or adding something.
hini #:
It's hard to design the interface in advance, and it's not uncommon to improve the interface while you're working on it, sometimes removing an element, or adding something.
As I said earlier, it's not hard to change the API file if you need to. You'd have just to copy function call blocks from the old one and insert them into the new one. It's easy actually. Escpecially with the help of any text editor. But ME will surely suffice.

From my experience, it was never a problem. ))
Реter Konow #:
As I said before, it's not hard to change the API file if you need to. You just copy the function call block from the old file and insert it into the new file. This is actually quite simple. Especially with the help of any text editor. But ME is surely enough.

In my experience, it's never been a problem.))
OK, understood. Waiting for your release!