StringFind Problem



Been struggle with StringFind for some hours now and Googled with no luck so...

Problem is that the string variable I use (_EventSearch) for search in StringFind does not work?
It works if the StringFind have an EXACT match (ex: "Nonfarm Payrolls") but not a subset ("Nonfarm") as described in reference

Please copy all code and compile and see if you get what I am doing wrong ??

Thanks in Advance!

// Input Variables
input string Stringsrch = "Nonfarm";

int OnInit() 
    isNewsEvent(_StartTime, _StartTime,Stringsrch);


void OnTick() 

bool isNewsEvent(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES _StartTime, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES _StopTime, string _EventSearch)
    int _TotalNews = 0;
    int _TotalImportantNews = 0;
    MqlCalendarValue values[];
    datetime starttime = TimeTradeServer() - PeriodSeconds(_StartTime);   
    datetime endtime = TimeTradeServer(); + PeriodSeconds(_StopTime);
    int valuesTotal = CalendarValueHistory(values,starttime,endtime);

    for (int i=0; i < valuesTotal; i++)
      MqlCalendarEvent _Calendar_Events;     
      MqlCalendarCountry _Calendar_Country;  
      if(StringFind(_Symbol,_Calendar_Country.currency) >= 0) // Search for Current Symbol. This StringFind is Working. 
          if(_Calendar_Events.importance == CALENDAR_IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
            int _StringFindPos = 0;
            Print("Eventname: ",," > Importance:",_Calendar_Events.importance,", TIME:",values[i].time, " TotalNews:",_TotalNews,"/",ArraySize(values),"  Currency:",_Calendar_Country.currency);
            _StringFindPos = StringFind(_EventSearch,;  // Testing to get the Pos value from StringFind to debug..
            Print("_EventSearch: ", _EventSearch," Name: ",," _StringFindPos: ", string(_StringFindPos));  // Printing so I see all the Variables values..
            if(StringFind(_EventSearch, >=0)  // THIS IS NOT WORKING FOR ME. 
            Print("NONFARM PAYROLE FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

    return (true);

Documentation on MQL5: String Functions / StringFind
Documentation on MQL5: String Functions / StringFind
Search for a substring in a string. Parameters string_value [in]  String, in which search is made. match_substring [in]  Searched...

In your code, you're trying to find ("Nonfarm Payrolls" or whatever) inside _EventSearch ("Nonfarm"), that is, you're reversing the order of the parameters. Just call in the reverse order and you should be good:

if(StringFind(,_EventSearch) >=0) // searches for _EventSearch in
Emanuel Cavalcante Amorim Filho #:

In your code, you're trying to find ("Nonfarm Payrolls" or whatever) inside _EventSearch ("Nonfarm"), that is, you're reversing the order of the parameters. Just call in the reverse order and you should be good:

Gah! You are my hero!! Spend so much time on this :) 

Its in the details !

Thanks alot