Need someone to code a simple breakout robot for mt4, I will attach what I have but it has several errors - page 2

Matt Hipple #: Tom Hougaard

It does not matter who came up with the strategy—it could be by Warren Buffett or Joe "nobody" Blogs. It has no relevance to the point being made.

The point is, that you are requesting for someone to code it for you for free. Over several decades, this site has seen many such requests, claiming that their strategy is "great", "awesome" or what-ever and created by the "famous", the "infamous", the "gurus" and all the who-really-cares.

This is the real world. If you need something done, then either compensate someone (with the knowledge and skill that you lack) to do it for you, or you put in the effort to acquiring the very same knowledge and skill, to do it yourself.

There is no free lunch. Don't be so easily fooled by the promise of riches. Things are never so simple. Do your research before accepting the words of so-called "gurus" — Tips to avoid being scammed …

Matt Hipple #:

Like all code generators (especially the AI based ones), the resulting code quality is problematic to say the least, if not horrendous, and given that you don't know how to code yourself, any advice given will not be understood not will you be able to implement it.

The end result is that you will be back at square one—your either hire someone or learn to do it yourselfIs it easy (or difficult) to …?

Fernando Carreiro #:

It does not matter who came up with the strategy—it could be by Warren Buffett or Joe "nobody" Blogs. It has no relevance to the point being made.

The point is, that you are requesting for someone to code it for you for free. Over several decades, this site has seen many such requests, claiming that their strategy is "great", "awesome" or what-ever and created by the "famous", the "infamous", the "gurus" and all the who-really-cares.

This is the real world. If you need something done, then either compensate someone (with the knowledge and skill that you lack) to do it for you, or you put in the effort to acquiring the very same knowledge and skill, to do it yourself.

There is no free lunch. Don't be so easily fooled by the promise of riches. Things are never so simple. Do your research before accepting the words of so-called "gurus" — Tips to avoid being scammed …

Like all code generators (especially the AI based ones), the resulting code quality is problematic to say the least, if not horrendous, and given that you don't know how to code yourself, any advice given will not be understood not will you be able to implement it.

The end result is that you will be back at square one—your either hire someone or learn to do it yourselfIs it easy (or difficult) to …?

I will tell you this, with all the condescending and snide attitudes I have encountered here, not one person has shewn forth the character that would convince me of giving them a dime.

It's not every day that a multimillion $$ trader hands you his strat, FREE, and what you DO usually find are a bunch of people claiming to have xxxxxx just pay xxxxxxx, am I wrong.

I understand tho, believe me, I am in the wrong forum to get something done, bc so far the only thing that's been accomplished is that several people have shown just how arrogant and condescending they are and thats really it, its a power trip, I know how and you don't, well congratulations on your awful attitudes really great job.

@Matt Hipple #: I understand tho, believe me, I am in the wrong forum to get something done

Correct! You are in the wrong forum, and you were informed about it.

Don't you remember reading this at the beginning? ... "Usually people who cannot code do not receive free help on this forum"