Help needed to debug and fix an AI EA - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

Humans (and other animals, and nature itself) only learn and grow through hardship and adversity. This is fact and and can be seen all throughout history.

No one is saying that one should be violent or aggressive, but spoon-feeding and giving people ready-made solutions, will not help them. It will only make them weaker and less intelligent. They will not learn, nor grow, nor become self-sufficient.

We see this in current times, where any little difficult thing has younger people running to complain that it is unfair. They have no backbone, no strength to face things and overcome them.

Skill and knowledge, are only gained through effort and dedication, by gaining experience, by doing, by struggling, by failing and repeating until one succeeds.

Taking the easy way out only creates useless brats, that sometimes become delinquents (if not worse).

All of that is true , but my thesis is from the perspective of the ecosystem . What is good for the ecosystem .

If you don't insult someone to oblivion and just ignore it , but rightfully reprimand them if they spam or do the "bump" in their threads , which you do , won't they be forced to go through it anyway ? So your "view" forces them to go through the hardship but also out of the ecosystem , and , if based on your view its important for them to go through it then the "scorn" is not achieving anything other than allowing you to vent , and , hurts the ecosystem potentially .

Now , my "view" , i spoon feed someone the answer , at some point they will ask for something hard , if nobody defaces their soul , but promptly reprimand them when they spam they will have stayed around long enough to meet the "rite of passage moment" without having hurt the ecosystem at all.

The downside to this is more workload for the moderators , which in my view is not hurting the ecosystem but you have a different opinion on that probably and this is also contributing to your "view" . 

But , i must state that this view does not consider the individual or how weak or strong their character is , its only about the ecosystem.

So , on one hand we can pretend we care for the growth of the new user that has a  username which in our head cannot resemble a real human being if its not a name or has no photo and armed with the "ammunition" of "i'm helping him now" we can vent our entire bad day on this poor individual , and hurt the ecosystem potentially assuming they will want to learn now at this very moment .

On the other hand , we let that individual roam around the community , without spamming , they do not feel unwelcome and at some point they will meet their growth moment . The ecosystem does not lose . This is my view , we do not pretend we want to be their life coach , and when they have to learn they have become familiar enough , has become a habit of theirs , just like us , and they will want to learn here.  

😇 🖤

PS : Now to be fair toward both of you , mq , does not care about the community , and it will be too late when they decide to.

Lorentzos Roussos #: All of that is true , but my thesis is from the perspective of the ecosystem . What is good for the ecosystem . If you don't insult someone to oblivion and just ignore it , but rightfully reprimand them if they spam or do the "bump" in their threads , which you do , won't they be forced to go through it anyway ? So your "view" forces them to go through the hardship but also out of the ecosystem , and , if based on your view its important for them to go through it then the "scorn" is not achieving anything other than allowing you to vent , and , hurts the ecosystem potentially . Now , my "view" , i spoon feed someone the answer , at some point they will ask for something hard , if nobody defaces their soul , but promptly reprimand them when they spam they will have stayed around long enough to meet the "rite of passage moment" without having hurt the ecosystem at all. The downside to this is more workload for the moderators , which in my view is not hurting the ecosystem but you have a different opinion on that probably and this is also contributing to your "view" . But , i must state that this view does not consider the individual or how weak or strong their character is , its only about the ecosystem. So , on one hand we can pretend we care for the growth of the new user that has a  username which in our head cannot resemble a real human being if its not a name or has no photo and armed with the "ammunition" of "i'm helping him now" we can vent our entire bad day on this poor individual , and hurt the ecosystem potentially assuming they will want to learn now at this very moment .On the other hand , we let that individual roam around the community , without spamming , they do not feel unwelcome and at some point they will meet their growth moment . The ecosystem does not lose . This is my view , we do not pretend we want to be their life coach , and when they have to learn they have become familiar enough , has become a habit of theirs , just like us , and they will want to learn here.  😇 🖤

PS : Now to be fair toward both of you , mq , does not care about the community , and it will be too late when they decide to.

Which do you prefer?

  • A larger, but low quality ecosystem, or ...
  • a smaller but higher quality ecosystem.

When I first joined, there were less participants but the quality was higher. Currently, this "ecosystem" is very large and still growing, but it's quality has fallen to almost "junk" levels.You can see this low quality "junk" level by simply looking at Market and Forum content (and also in the CodeBase). All that content is mainly supplied by the users, and one can clearly see how it has deteriorated over time. It has become increasingly more difficulty to find quality posts, or code, or products. And only a few dedicated users still support, comment and answer the questions that newbies post.

A good ecosystem, should to be able to sustain itself, where there is a large percentage "good" capable posters available to be able answer the queries of the less knowledgable posters, and "train" the next generation of capable users. If only a few "good" capable posters are available, to respond to the vast majority of "clueless" queries, and the ecosystem is unable to foster and train new quality recruits, then that ecosystem is bound to fail.

So, if we do not instil in users proper diligence and effort, who will take over, when the current very few capable posters take their leave?

PS! Yes, I agree that MetaQuotes also holds part of the responsibility in the declining quality.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Which do you prefer?

  • A larger, but low quality ecosystem, or ...
  • a smaller but higher quality ecosystem.

When I first joined, there were less participants but the quality was higher. Currently, this "ecosystem" is very large and still growing, but it's quality has fallen to almost "junk" levels.You can see this low quality "junk" level by simply looking at Market and Forum content (and also in the CodeBase). All that content is mainly supplied by the users, and one can clearly see how it has deteriorated over time. It has become increasingly more difficulty to find quality posts, or code, or products. And only a few dedicated users still support, comment and answer the questions that newbies post.

A good ecosystem, should to be able sustain itself, where there is a large percentage "good" capable posters available to be able answer the queries of the less knowledgable posters, and "train" the next generation of capable users. If only a few "good" capable posters are available, to respond to the vast majority of "clueless" queries, and the ecosystem is unable to foster and train new quality recruits, then that ecosystem is bound to fail.

So, if we do not instil in users proper diligence and effort, who will take over, when the current very few capable posters take their leave?

PS! Yes, I agree that MetaQuotes also holds part of the responsibility in the declining quality.

I prefer A because if you send them away they will get their education from tikTokers 😂 .

All i'm saying is there is no need for repelling them (excluding when rules are violated) , you can be this  "capable poster" and if you choose to ignore a "hard" request rather than come down and slap them out of the community then they will try to impress you and earn your respect . Clumsily at first , yeah , but over time they will learn .

Lorentzos Roussos #: I prefer A because if you send them away they will get their education from tikTokers 😂 . All i'm saying is there is no need for repelling them (excluding when rules are violated) , you can be this  "capable poster" and if you choose to ignore a "hard" request rather than come down and slap them out of the community then they will try to impress you and earn your respect . Clumsily at first , yeah , but over time they will learn .
Ignoring it doesn't work! Either you use the "carrot" or the "stick", or both, but doing neither is worse for everyone.
Fernando Carreiro #:
Ignoring it doesn't work! Either you use the "carrot" or the "stick", or both, but doing neither is worse for everyone.

What is the carrot in this case

Lorentzos Roussos #: What is the carrot in this case

The "carrot" would be MetaQuotes creating the proper environment for users to learn. A good example, would be how BabyPips created the School of Pipsology with various levels and tests, allowing users to improve their knowledge and feeling pride in gaining recognition for their efforts.

Something similar could be made to teach users how to use the platform, how to trade with it, how to program simple tasks in MQL and then progress to simple indicators and then EAs, and so on. This would bring up the general knowledge of posters and improve the quality of the questions as well as the answers.

Fernando Carreiro #:

The "carrot" would be MetaQuotes creating the proper environment for users to learn. A good example, would be how BabyPips created the School of Pipsology with various levels and tests, allowing users to improve their knowledge and feeling pride in gaining recognition for their efforts.

Something similar could be made to teach users how to use the platform, how to trade with it, how to program simple tasks in MQL and then progress to simple indicators and then EAs, and so on. This would bring up the general knowledge of posters and improve the quality of the questions as well as the answers.

that site is well designed indeed 

People seriously arguing why should they be kind and help new members who dont know much is what is wrong with this world today haha. 
This a fascinating conversation. I wonder if the OP ever got their EA up and running.

handle_Stochastic = iStochastic(_Symbol, _Period, Stochastic_K_Period, Stochastic_D_Period, Stochastic_Slowing, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE);

plz slove it