How do you fill an array with variables not constants?


Any help will be much appreciated

arr[0]=v1; arr[1]=v2; …
William Roeder #:

Thank you. how would you then use the variables of this array in a function? For example in a bubble algorithm

gooeycode #: For example in a bubble algorithm
  1. Never use Bubble Sort; forget you ever heard of it. An Insertion Sort is simpler and twice as fast.

  2. template <typename Datatype, typename BinaryPredicate>
    void     insertion_sort(
                         const BinaryPredicate&  comp, ///<[in]Comp. class/struct.
                         Datatype&               arr[],///<[in,out] Array to search.
                         INDEX          iEnd=MAX_INDEX,///<[in]One past last.
                         INDEX                  iBeg=0)/**<[in]Starting index. */{
       if(iEnd == MAX_INDEX)   iEnd  = get_size(arr);
       if(iEnd == iBeg)  return;
       // This is more complicated than a standard insertion sort because array
       // access in MT4 is 10x slower than variable access.
       Datatype placing;
       Datatype previous = arr[iBeg];
       for(INDEX iPlace = iBeg + 1; iPlace < iEnd; ++iPlace){
          placing  = arr[iPlace];                   // Where does this go?
          if(comp.is_before(previous, placing) ){   // Already in correct position.
             previous = placing;  continue;      }  // Prime for next iteration.
          INDEX    iEmpty = iPlace;                 // Value in placing.
             arr[iEmpty] = previous;                // Move up.
             if(--iEmpty == iBeg) break;            // No below.
             previous = arr[iEmpty - 1];            // Next one.
          } while(comp.is_before(placing, previous) );
          arr[iEmpty] = placing;                    // Insert.
          previous = arr[iPlace];                   // Prime for next iteration.
    }  }


Ill read the documentation, there are a few concepts here I need to understand before I can reply. Thank you.

William Roeder #:
  1. Never use Bubble Sort; forget you ever heard of it. An Insertion Sort is simpler and twice as fast.

I ended up finding out about the ArraySort() function. Nevertheless the about was helpful, thank you.