The future of the Forex industry - page 85


So far you can't see it... Young people are just looking for ways to get out, you can find the statistics yourself.

You're just being silly again. So you're lying again.

Statistics say otherwise. You've had enough of liberalism.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

Yeah, Khorosh's son went to Germany.)

Yeah, clearly...

Uncomfortable fact for the stung-out, bigoted traditionalist patriots.

But he was right to go, he will have more opportunities and benefits there.

Uladzimir Izerski:

He is already a millionaire, it is affordable for him to go to any country. What's the problem?

He has already become a millionaire in Germany.


But he was right to leave, he will have more opportunities and benefits there.

Probably one of the best countries to raise children

Олег avtomat:

You're being silly again. So you're lying again.

The statistics say otherwise. You've had enough of liberalism.

You're in the puddle again, dear one. 😁


More than half of Russians aged 18-24 want to leave Russia. This is a record for 10 years

Больше половины россиян 18-24 лет хотят уехать из России. Это рекорд за 10 лет
Больше половины россиян 18-24 лет хотят уехать из России. Это рекорд за 10 лет
  • 2019.11.26
  • 26 ноября 2019
Аналитики «Левада-центра» динамику эмиграционных настроений у россиян и поделились результатами. Исследователи отметили, что за последние шесть лет максимального значения этот показатель достигал в 2013 году: тогда уехать из страны хотели 22% опрошенных. Минимальные показатели наблюдались в 2017 году, когда доля потенциальных мигрантов...
Andrei Trukhanovich:

Yeah, Khorosh's son went to Germany.)

So what? Does this one isolated fact say anything about the statistics for the whole country? No, it does not say anything.

Moreover, he will soon ask to go back to his homeland.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

Probably one of the best countries to raise children

Denmark is even better, Norway probably too.

But Germany is really quite comfortable.

And there are mountains! Bavaria is beautiful.


That's what Oleg is saying, "a healthy younger generation is capable of sorting out what is good and what is bad ". And they do.

You're like that tobacco...

Олег avtomat:

You're like that tobacco...

Did I twist your words. You wrote that young people will figure it out. I absolutely agree.


Denmark is even better, Norway probably too.

But Germany is really quite comfortable.

And there are mountains! Bavaria is beautiful.

You forgot Switzerland. It's very nice.