Sunset programming? - page 15



who hasn't cried yet this year

What's up? Have you made up your mind about the sunset?) Will there be a sunrise afterwards?))
Aleksey Mavrin:
Well? Determined what's up with the sunset?) Will there be a sunrise after it?)

changed his mind a few answers - he didn't even get away when very small dogs caught up with him, and they weren't chasing him.


If you see a big pack of hungry dogs, it means there's a ship on the other side.

ok, the site wouldn't let me make substitutions, my imagination ran out) thank you all, and love you all as usual if I get a month ban,

like in one of my favorite movies, call the president.

Aleksey Mavrin:
Well? What about the sunset?) Will there be a sunrise after that?))

Yeah, it's probably dawning on us now. Now it is possible to implement the code and the ability to calculate at least somewhat, while before it was only possible to write (emphasis in arbitrary form)

And even now we face the lion's share of limitations: for example, the number of parameters to be enumerated cannot even close to the maximum LONG, because an empty loop for (long i=0; i<MAXLONG: i++) {} will be enumerated for about 100 years. Although, what is a long is just 8 bytes, 8 values from 0 to 255. 8 EA variables and it will simply never be able to search through them all. Of course, all sorts of GAs, templates... That's actually why they appeared then (many years ago)

I wish this bright future would come sooner...

Реter Konow:

I think languages will start to 'die' first. They describe the logic of parameter relationships, which can be built with almost no code. My example is just a drop in the ocean, but there is no doubt that any task can be solved by producing templates of parameter (object) assemblies and establishing their relations bypassing the code. And in this case it is possible to connect neural networks which will work as intelligences, anticipating created object (in fact - parametric) structures.

I remembered something. A quarter of a century ago I encountered quite industrial products BPWin and ERWin, (Logic Works, Computer Associated) which also seemed to be a panacea. Apparently, they couldn't replace programming languages, but simply took their place among other development tools (looked - they are still alive).

Now I don't remember the reason why, but from conversations with enthusiasts of their use, I got the idea that they don't solve the problems they seemed to be trying to solve. And I seriously needed to find it out, I was obliged by my job, as a head of IT department, leading permanent developments - not just for my own interests. Those tasks, for which they were suitable, we in the department called "basic" - they were easily and naturally stacked in the relational DBMS. It is not for nothing that Oracle Process Modeller is mentioned among similar programmes (second link).

ERwin Data Modeler — Википедия
ERwin Data Modeler — Википедия
erwin Data Modeler Тип Разработчик Операционная система Последняя версия Состояние Лицензия Сайт erwin Data Modeler (стилизованный под erwin, но ранее как ERwin) - это компьютерная программа для проектирования и документирования баз данных. Модели данных помогают визуализировать структуру данных, обеспечивая эффективный процесс...



Igor Makanu:

CREATE TABLE "staff" (
        "surname" TEXT,
        "age"     INTEGER

SELECT age FROM staff
WHERE surname='Deer';

Rudolf the Christmas reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

Sorry, that came out.

Реter Konow:
That's right, not intelligence. AI is a very broad field and is literally anything that uses fuzzy logic (which is similar to us).

Now you're scaring us that AI will replace the developer. No, it won't. At least not yet - that very spark isn't there. Vaughn, in the standard library for creating Expert Advisors they also invented some rudimentary similarity of fuzzy logic - take the sum of signal weights and derive the average. The output signal is as beautiful as the one of a child who has mixed all paints in a watercolour set. That's not how it works in the cranium.


Rudolf the reindeer
There was a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it.
You'd even say it glowed.

Sorry, it just slipped out.

I'm sick of TV commercials, so the reindeer is not a nickname any more )))