How to increase your account by a factor of 1,000. - page 4


Great result, I looked it up. And how do you understand the size of the deposit should not exceed 1% of the amount of available own funds. Then it would be safer.

that means of all the money you have.


Until I understood how to trade profitably, all I did was lose money.

What do you trade? Trends? Flotsam?

Nikolai Semko:
Of course.
And in general, for a high risk strategy, I believe the deposit size should not exceed 1% of your own available funds. Then a high-risk strategy may be safer than a conservative one (a classic conservative trade is when you use no more than 3% of your balance to trade with 100% leverage).

Say I took another look at your trading and the fund balance chart. I didn't manage to stop the video. But what I have managed to notice is how it is possible that one day on 27.06 the growth was hundreds of times, and there was almost no growth in a month.


What are you trading? Trends? Flats?

Trends only?


Скажите я еще раз глянул на Вашу торговлю и на график баланса средства. Правда видио не удалось остановить. Но то что успел заметить, это как так получилось у Вас за один день 27.06. рост составил сотни раз, а за месяц почти не было роста.

I see, you recorded a profit on this day 27.06. And the balance curve pulled up sharply to the funds. Can you show me what happened before June 27th? It's just interesting...


Tell me again I looked at your trading and the balance of funds chart. True, I could not stop the video. But what I have managed to notice is how it is possible to grow hundreds of times in one day on 27.06 and almost no growth in a month.

I don't remember it at all. Apart from this gif there is nothing left of that trade. But from the gif you can see that I traded for 8 weeks and the dates on the balance and funds curve for only 2 weeks, probably from the time I opened the signal. I remember "growing" the signal at first. And the balance and funds curves for the first six weeks before the signal opened are simply not visible. This is a flaw in MQ at the time. How things are now - do not know, because after that I stopped experimenting with signals.

Tell me how probable it is to get such a result by chance and to increase your account by 28 times in 4 months. Just one wrote to me that it was an accident. And if it's not difficult, how to use this table

The probability of accidentally trading, at a very rough estimate, not taking into account the spread and stopout, if we assume that 1 trade is a doubling of the deposit or a zeroing of the deposit. Then the probability to increase the deposit 1024 times will be 0.195%. If we have 100 thousand people involved in trading, 195 out of them will increase the deposit from $100 to $102400. In reality, this figure is a bit lower because of the spread and unequal probability of increasing the deposit twice in one trade or losing it by 0. But approximately so.

So for me, as for an outside observer, it would not be surprising if your deposit would increase up to $100k, because many people are involved in the market and the probability theory says that more than 100 people out of a hundred thousand participants can do it quite randomly.

I myself have made robots which increased deposit from 100$ to million in tester due to error in logic. I just found a zone that coincides with the logic of the algorithm and the deposit grows exponentially. He would have done the same on the real if he had been lucky. But I'm not an enemy of my money)). He will increase 1 time and lose 1000 times, mathematics is not evil or kind but it is objective...
Maxim Romanov:

The probability of accidentally trading, at a very rough estimate, not taking into account the spread and stopout, if we assume that 1 trade is a doubling of the deposit or a zeroing of the deposit. Then the probability to increase the deposit 1024 times will be 0.195%. If we have 100 thousand people involved in trading, 195 out of them will increase the deposit from $100 to $102400. In reality, this figure is a bit lower because of the spread and unequal probability of increasing the deposit twice in one trade or losing it by 0. But approximately so.

That is, for me, as an outside observer, it would not be surprising if you increased your deposit up to $100k, because many people are involved in the market and the probability theory says that out of a hundred thousand participants more than 100 people can do it quite randomly.

I myself have made robots that increased a deposit from $100 to $1 million in the tester because of an error in logic. I just got a plot that coincides with the logic of the algorithm and the deposit grows exponentially. He would have done the same on the real if he had been lucky. But I'm not an enemy of my money)). He will increase 1 time and lose 1000 times, mathematics is not evil or kind but it is objective...

That's 512 times, 1024 times less.

Aleksey Mavrin:

It is 512 times, in 1024 less.

Yes my mistake) thanks for the correction. for 1024 it would be 0.0975%. But the gist of it is

Maxim Romanov:

the likelihood of accidental trading...


I myself have made robots that increased my deposit from $100 to a million in the tester because of faulty logic. I just happen to get a plot that coincides with the logic of the algorithm and the deposit grows exponentially. He would have done the same on the real if he had been lucky. But I'm not an enemy of my money)). He will increase 1 time and lose 1000 times, mathematics is not evil or kind but it is objective...

By logic, it turns out that you have to make the logic fallacy. Just kidding of course)))