where to go for a purchased robot that has lost its deposit - page 10

How are you using the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act -- going to circumvent the Market Rules and Regulation 4.10 "Products purchased through the Market service are non-refundable"?
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
How are you using the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act -- going to circumvent the Market Rules and Regulation 4.10 "Products purchased through the Market service are non-refundable"?

The hierarchy (legal effect) of laws, codes, etc. will apply in the case of contradictions in legal documents.

Andrey Dik:

You read it selectively - "I read it here and I don't read it there".

We have established that goods purchased for business purposes must be accompanied by a contract, which is not done. And compliance with technical specifications can not be proven.

So, if the technical characteristics of the goods are not proven and cannot be guaranteed and no contract is signed, is it not a fraudulent scheme where the buyer is a fool and the seller is a fraud?

I'll send you to study the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Nikolay Lobanov:
I downloaded *** made all the settings on the website robot tested, showed a complete loss of the deposit, I want to refund the money spent on the robot where to go ?

Lost and Found)

Dialogue from another series of "The expert earns, it's my fault. He started to leak, it's the author's fault".
Andrey Dik:

You read it selectively - "I read it here and I don't read it there".

We have established that goods purchased for business purposes must be accompanied by a contract, which is not done. And it is not possible to prove that the technical specifications match.

So, if the technical specifications of the goods are not confirmed and cannot be guaranteed and the relevant contract is not signed, is this not a fraudulent scheme, where the buyer is a fool and the seller is a fraud?

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 158. Form of transactions

1. Transactions shall be concluded orally or in writing (simple or notarial).
(2) A transaction which may be concluded orally shall also be deemed to have been concluded if it is evident from the person's conduct that he will perform the transaction.
Silence shall be regarded as an expression of the will to carry out a transaction in the cases provided for by law or by agreement.
Vladimir Simakov:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 158.Form of transactions

1. Transactions shall be concluded orally or in writing (simple or notarial).
(2) A transaction which may be concluded orally shall also be deemed to have been concluded if it is evident from the person's conduct that he intends to carry out the transaction.
(3) Silence shall be deemed to be an expression of the will to conduct the transaction in cases provided for by law or by agreement between the parties.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 159. Fraud

Постановление Пленума Верховного Суда РФ от 30.11.2017 N 48 "О судебной практике по делам о мошенничестве, присвоении и растрате" / КонсультантПлюс
  • www.consultant.ru
В целях обеспечения единообразного применения судами норм уголовного закона об ответственности за мошенничество, присвоение и растрату, а также в связи с вопросами, возникшими у судов, Пленум Верховного Суда Российской Федерации, руководствуясь статьей 126 Конституции Российской Федерации, статьями 2 и 5 Федерального конституционного закона от...
Andrey Dik:


Criminal Code Article 159.Fraud

159.1 Fraud , i.e. theft of another's property or acquisition of a right to another's property by deception or abuse of trust

The seller of the expert gets the rights to the buyer's property when the second deposit is drained??? NO!!! The question is closed.

Konstantin Nikitin:

The seller of the expert gets the rights to the buyer's property??? NO!!! That's it the question is closed.

Take your time)))) read carefully about "by deception" or "abuse of trust".

The technical specifications of the product are stated by the seller, which cannot be verified, and there is no contract and the product cannot be returned under the terms of the market. In fact, the buyer can not test the product in real conditions without buying it, and buying it already can not go back if he found a discrepancy with the claimed characteristics. This is nothing short of fraudulent. Product rental is a partial solution to this problem, but the buyer still has to pay for a pig in a poke.

I emphasise that the market itself is not breaking any laws. There is a need to fine-tune the product requirements in the marketplace to prevent fraudulent practices by vendors.