How do I create a function to process each millisecond? - page 12

Igor Makanu:

No, it depends on the post-processing, how the video card driver forms the signal to the monitor, even a video with a frequency divisible to the monitor we see without jerking?

And if you have 60 frames per second, the eye will not see more than 24.

What makes you say that? Show me the research.

all movies have been shooting at 50-60 fps for 40 years,
your monitor's frequency is 60 fps,
TV frequency is 50-60 fps,
your movie theatre frequency is 50-60 fps,
video camera frequencies 50-60 fps,
video game frequency 50-60 fps,
modern cd standards 50-60 fps

but with all that "the eye can't see more than 24 frames"?

...only for home viewing it's cut to 24-30 fps, and only because it "eats less memory".
Once everyone has tens of terabytes, you won't find videos less than 50 fps.

Taras Slobodyanik:

What makes you think that? Show me the research.

all movies have been shooting at 50-60 fps for 40 years now,
your monitor frequency is 60 fps,
TV frequency is 50-60 fps,
your movie theatre frequency is 50-60 fps,
video camera frequencies 50-60 fps,
video game frequency 50-60 fps,
modern cd standards 50-60 fps

but with all that "the eye can't see more than 24 frames"?

...only for home viewing it's cut to 24-30 fps, and only because it "eats less memory".
Once everyone has tens of terabytes, you won't find videos less than 50 fps.

I give up, my internet's down, and I didn't pay for google...

If the human eye can see 50-60 frames per second, then I'm stuck in the last century... old timer so to speak

Igor Makanu:

I give up, my internet's down and I haven't paid for google...

If the human eye can see 50-60 frames per second, then I'm stuck in the last century... old timer, so to speak.

The human eye observes at a much higher rate. What you observe is already the end result of the brain processing and synthesis of images from the eye, which you register at the level of consciousness. Two shaking cameras modulated by movements along the contours of objects, which are constantly changing focus and lens overlap, all this is reduced to one static image. To get a good image of 24 frames per second on the background of all that, you have to have an order of magnitude higher speed of image registration, i.e. you get 250 frames per second. Or in other words, at the level of consciousness (critical/logical perception), 24 frames per second is a kind of conditional boundary of "continuity" of perception. Each eye makes micro-movements, blinks, changes in pupil size etc. - All this flow of images is fed to the brain, which stabilises and filters them and the result is a static image or movement. The function of consciousness has a peculiarity that what is static and unvarying falls out of observation. And you have to understand that when there were frames per second, then the whole frame was shown, then the next one after it, but today it is technically one frame in which technically parts of that frame can change at any reasonable speed, so there are more advanced fps modes.


I've written all this in this thread... don't get in the way, I'm studying warm tube sound and the ability to move windows smoothly on 60Hz and 120Hz monitors... I told you, I give up, no need to quote me, marketing rules, now you have to buy 2-3 thousand rubles worth of HDMI cables... They also wrote on the forums that they are the secret! - forums are powerful, you should also check out the gamer forums, they are free... i suspect that a $1000 gamer's chair will also improve coordination and brain activity....

google peripheral vision, visual response, degree of concentration and brain activity... then you need to read about bitmap images and anti-aliasing methods, then having understood this you need to understand that all TV and monitors have grain and when you increase the frequency it is not the eye that perceives the picture better but the stroboscopic effect when you form the frame less often...

I don't have internet, google it without me!

Igor Makanu:

I've written all this in this thread... don't get in the way, I'm studying warm tube sound and the ability to move windows smoothly on 60Hz and 120Hz monitors... I told you, I give up, no need to quote me, marketing rules, now you have to buy 2-3 thousand rubles worth of HDMI cables... They also wrote on the forums that they are the secret! - forums are powerful, you should also check out the gamer forums, they are free... i suspect that a $1000 gamer's chair will also improve coordination and brain activity....

google peripheral vision, visual response, degree of concentration and brain activity... then you need to read about bitmap images and anti-aliasing methods, then having understood this you need to understand that all TV and monitors have grain and when you increase the frequency it is not the eye that perceives the picture better but the stroboscopic effect when you form the frame less often...

I don't have internet, google it without me!

Where did I quote you? And I don't claim to be unique in any way. I'm practically addicted to "binary rhythms", so it's unlikely that google or any treatise will surprise me. On the subject of monitors, 60Hz and 75Hz refresh rates were once very noticeable by eye fatigue of those who stare into this monitor all day long - ardent opponents of the purchase, bureaucrats, then became ardent supporters - they once sat for another's "squandering funds" and immediately realized everything, even then switched to the LCD without debate and resistance, the argument about Hz is irrelevant. There is progress and there is marketing and today it is almost impossible for progress to exist without marketing.


I had a look at this thread, in particular about my experience as a baby - I think there was a man who got addicted and for a fortnight was wearing glasses which turned the image upside down, after two weeks I could see as normal with these glasses. For other things it is already lazy to make essential additions, in your words - google with personal experience in search).


Dmitry Fedoseev:

Taras Slobodyanik:

No, for real smoothness you need at least 50 fps.

24 frames per second is enough if you didn't read TV books as a child))))

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Besides, no one is arguing that it might be smoother somehow.

A codger.


You're a codger.

Another brainwave? Again special evidence is required for you to take another dip in the puddle? Do it yourself.

I wonder if you're doing this out of a "freeze your ears off to spite your grandfather" kind of way, or if you're really a little crazy?

Taras Slobodyanik:

What makes you think that? Show me the research.

All movies have had a refresh rate of 50-60 fps for about forty years now,
your monitor frequency is 60 fps,
TV frequency is 50-60 fps,
the cinema frequency is 50-60 fps,
video camera frequencies 50-60 fps,
video game frequency 50-60 fps,
modern cd standards 50-60 fps

but "the eye can't see more than 24 frames"?

...only for home viewing it's cut to 24-30 fps, and only because it "eats less memory".
Once everyone has tens of terabytes, you won't find videos less than 50 fps.

Do we live in some kind of special world? Ali still can't understand the difference between the frame rate of a video and the refresh rate of a monitor?

How can we be so stubborn? A day has gone by, a day has gone by, a night has gone by, but this stubbornness is still there.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Are we living in some kind of special world? Ali still can't understand the difference between the frame rate of a video and the refresh rate of a monitor?

How can we be so stubborn? A day has gone by, a day has gone by, a night has gone by, but this stubbornness is still there.

I gave you real examples that for "natural smoothness" you need a minimum of 50 Hz.
All I hear from you is words of faith and personal fantasy.

so who lives in "some special world of their own"?

Taras Slobodyanik:

I gave you real examples that for "natural smoothness" you need at least 50 Hz.
All I hear from you is words of faith and personal fantasies.

so who lives in "some kind of special world"?

24 is enough and the whole world lives in it. All cinema, all television is 24, 25 or 30 frames per second. Once again: don't confuse video frame rate and monitor refresh rate.

Just because someone shoots 60 fps with a camera, it doesn't mean that these 60 fps go to the world.

Have you seen YouTube at all? Is there something wrong with the video? All videos there are 25 or 30 f / s. Show at least one video on youtube with 60 f / s.