Trend indicators for EAs. - page 28

Aleksey Ivanov:

Alexei, the same question for you as for Automat:

Do you use in your calculations the ACF, according to the formula:

i.e. sum of products of increments for a discrete signal? If not, why not?


Alexei, the same question for you as for Automat:

Do you use in your calculations the ACF, according to the formula:

i.e. sum of products of increments for a discrete signal? If not, why not?

I will think about your question when I have a clear head. Now, I do not "understand" what it is about. In general, depending on the specific situation and tasks to be analysed, I use different correlation ratios.
Aleksey Ivanov:
I will think about your question with a clear head. Right now I do not understand what it is about. In general, depending on the specific situation and tasks analyzed, I use different ratios for correlation.

Actually, this function is responsible for the "trend/float". Your answer is extremely important to me - the power of physics is undeniable.


Actually, this function is responsible for the "trend/flat". Your answer is extremely important to me - the power of physics is undeniable.

Give me a link to analytics showing that it is responsible for trending/floating.

Actually, this function is responsible for the "trend/float". Your answer is extremely important to me - the power of physics is undeniable.

Alexander, no offence, but, there is only a trend in the market, there is no flatt. A flat is:

1. An inactive section of the main trend;

2. A section of the main trend fighting the opposite trend;

3. Plot where a new trend is born as a result of fighting with the current trend;

4. The active trend has distinctive features not found in other market states.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Alexander, no offence, but, there is only a trend in the market, there is no flatt. A flat is:

1. An inactive section of the main trend;

2. A section of the main trend fighting the opposite trend;

3. Plot where a new trend is born as a result of fighting with the current trend;

4. 4. The active trend has some distinctive features not found in other market conditions.

If there is only a trend, what other market states are there?


Actually, this function is responsible for the "trend/flat". Your answer is extremely important to me - the power of physicists is undeniable.

I see that you, as well as your adherents, do not know and do not understand whatautocorrelation function is, what it gives, what it can and cannot do, what it is used for -- i.e. its scope and the tasks assigned to it.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Alexander, no offence, but, there is only a trend in the market, there is no flatt. A flat is:

1. An inactive section of the main trend;

2. A section of the main trend fighting with the opposite trend;

3. Plot where a new trend is born as a result of fighting with the current trend;

4. 4. The active trend has distinctive features which are not characteristic of other market conditions.

This is an extreme minimalist statement: "There is only a trend in the market, there is no flat" ;))

Олег avtomat:

"There is only a trend in the market, there is no flat" - this is the realm of extreme minimalism ;))

No, it's OK. A trend is a direction, a trend. Down, up, sideways, in a circle.


If there is only a trend, what other market states are there?

Plots 1-3, in point 4 we are talking about an active trend.