The psychology of the successful trader. - page 10

Have the pride to admit you're a codger when you're caught. And don't be a smart-ass.

Ooh, her...

You keep your mouth shut...

Show me one bot that's not a pipsqueak and then draw your conclusions.
Renat Akhtyamov:

Oh, my gosh.

would have kept quiet...

Judging by the facts, it would make more sense for you to keep quiet.
They make a couple of profitable entries in the circus branch of forecasts without mentioning a dozen unprofitable ones, and then they write memoirs with great theories for years)))
Judging by the facts, it makes more sense for you to keep quiet.
first, you've got to understand the above.
They make a couple of profitable entries in the circus branch of forecasts without mentioning a dozen unprofitable ones, and then they write memoirs with great theories for years)))

predict what kind of problems

will it work out?

Come in, we are waiting.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
No, it is a specific real market that has its own functioning, which we have not yet grasped and we are forced to follow the path we know, calling it a game. Indeed, success in the game depends largely on skill, training, intuition and other factors that can be learned through diligence. For example, successful footballers are individuals who have been able to combine elements of the circus arts - they are circus performers. But, there are too many factors in the market to simply learn.

Learning to play football well, or to act competently on the battlefield or in the ring, is much more difficult than trading forex.

Trading forex can be learned in a few days or weeks if you have a good trainer. And walking the tightrope or boxing well requires many years of training, also with a trainer.

Look how much training it takes for a karate fighter to get a black belt.

And forex is very simple, that's the philosophy.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Oh, my gosh.

would have kept quiet...

Show me one bot that's not a pipsqueak, then draw your conclusions.
What's wrong with pipsing? I think it's the result that counts, not the process.)
Yuriy Asaulenko:
What do you think about scalping? Imho, the result is important, not the process.)

Well, with the bot until the first minus, and then what - the net is counter-trended and the depo is drained?

Well, this is how it mostly happens, isn't it?

Put a stop - will it work on the real account? It will work

More entries, more probability of the above and as a consequence - less risk/reward

Renat Akhtyamov:

So with the bot until the first minus, and then what - the net to the counter-trend and the depo to the flush?

Well, that's what happens most of the time, isn't it?

Not like that. Pips and intraday are the most profitable strategies. The probability of losses is minimal even with 50% mistakes . Errors are usually much smaller.

Everyone I know who is really making money is a pipsitter and an intraday trader at the same time.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Not so. Pips and intraday are the most profitable strategies. The probability of loss is minimal at all, even with 50% of the trades in error. Errors are usually much smaller.

Everyone I know who is really making money is a pips and an intrade at the same time.

I'm not going to argue, just a question

With bots?