From theory to practice - page 1534


Alyosha, you've got it all wrong. I don't need anything, in fact - I know how it all ends.
You were looking for drinking companions - you wrote the algorithm for finding them. People need to be interested, not beaten
with the book you just read. When you read the next one, don't hit them either. By oranges.
Shiryaev's method was meant. Everyone is free to write and do what he likes, no one
(no one is forcing anyone to do anything)))

The sorcerer's algorithm for finding drinking companions seems overly complicated and clearly unprofitable, but I have no right to dissuade you.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The sorcerer's algorithm for finding drinking companions seems overly complicated and clearly unprofitable, but I can't talk you out of it.

Again with the oranges))). There are many methods. You can post a picture of the stats
underneath a graph or something... I'm not interested in the subject, but people might pick up on it.
If not interested in the opinion of others.........

Uladzimir Izerski:
The robot works with Izerskogo waves))) Waves are the key to understanding the market.
My algorithm recognizes the beginning of the wave better than any existing program. Go ahead and study the TS if anyone is interested. Maybe someone will find an example to follow. The beauty is not induced, for lack of time. 2nd drawing. A few minutes have passed.

About the main thing: Have you picked any mushrooms? Can I get a picture of them?

Don't you guys think the MQL5 site is already falling down from the flooding in this thread - it can't stand it)
"I spoke to W. D. Gunn's son, who works as an analyst at a bank in Boston. He told me that his father could not support his family through stock trading and earned his bread by writing and selling educational courses."
Alexander Elder
Renat Akhtyamov:

Alexei, only gentlemen are to be taken at their word.

Show me a stoic that is made using your knowledge in these fields.

Otherwise, it's as if it's nothing...

There are composers and there are music critics. Similarly in forex).


Don't try to raise your authority by humiliating others. On the contrary, it will alienate them from you. They will stop talking to you for fear of getting another barb from you.


There are composers and there are music critics. It's the same in forex).

In forex, there are also critics of critics.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

There are more critics of critics in the forecourt.

Nesting can be unrestricted. Critics (critics(critics(critics...

Nothing against critics as long as the criticism is on point. Critics do good by steering research in the right direction.



Nesting can be unrestricted. Critics (critics(critics(critics...

I have nothing against critics, as long as the criticism is on point. Critics do good by steering research in the right direction.



What is the right direction?

I remember there was Novaja on this forum - she was a fierce supporter of Shiryaev and his handler Pastukhov. Moreover, he was an advanced fan of their theories, savvy, that's what they call. There are not many of them left on this forum, especially after Asaulenko's departure.

And so? Four (4) years of fierce struggle with the market, literally following the letter and spirit of the monographs and dissertations of these two pals....

The result is zero. Zero! You see?!

Therefore, when some Lyolik starts to mold something about Shiryaev to me, I just laugh.