FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 477

And now a stoic buy to 2283, just don't believe anyone think with your head!

Why not? The market is just a crowd of crazy greedy people, I may lose by the evening, or vice versa )))) or maybe I'll lose twice, it's OK I've got a brand new depo with a bonus ))))
The main thing is to keep on losing, you may lose twice, it's not a problem.
The main thing is to have a good return on your investment.

I will start of course, if i lose a new depot etc. i'll learn anyway ))))))))) my stubbornness is a sore point, there's no cure )))

up, down I don't see it yet - it's just my opinion - but not a recommendation

I agree, and so is my opinion... but sometimes we are wrong. Without that, we'll see.

Now buy to 2283, but don't believe anyone, use your head!

Yeah... I have a signal... if atr on n4 would start turning it would be great...

If you don't know why not, the market is just a bunch of crazy greedy people who will come back in the evening or vice versa )))) or maybe I'll lose twice, it's ok, I have a brand-new deposit with a bonus)))

If you do not follow the MM + entry at random = 100% of losses. Make some rules for yourself, write them down.

Here are my four, for example:

1.Never break the rules.

2.Always respect the MM.

3.Always put a stop loss.

4.No signal - no deal.

That's enough for me, you can write more for yourself.)


If you don't use MM + entering at random = 100% loss. Make some rules for yourself, write them down.

Here are my four, for example:

1.Never break the rules.

2.Always respect the MM.

3.Always put a stop loss.

4.No signal - no deal.

That's enough for me, you can add more.)

not breaking the rules (my own)

Always place stops.

I enter only on the signal (my own) it was at that moment

i observe the MM - not more than half of the deposit is lost at one time )))


do not break the rules (my own)

I always put my stops

I enter only by the signal (my own).

i follow - not more than half of the deposit at a time ))))

I see)))
the pasta is poorly placed. the day will be at a disadvantage or with zeros.

Stranger cheered up as they went up)))) as they fell he was sad and uncommunicative....

today we may start drawing down on the day ...

If he hasn't come here and did the last days right, there is no sense to rub something like that to someone.