FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 205


... You also need a server on the DC server. Then maybe something will work.
What's that?
Take this ... setup
Thank you. I'll have a look.

I'm sick of an intraday account, boring, awful. I want to open a second one, for intraday. I asked MMCIS, the most well-publicised company, if it was possible to open an account in euros, and the answer was no. Only in dollars. I will open a second account with my broker that promises a bonus.)

I have no such doubts.

What is this?

A virtual server, this is for a fee you will have an operating system with the terminal on the server of the brokerage company directly, your terminal will run 24/7 and therefore the instant execution of trades without any slippage. Here.
Европейская комиссия (ЕК) сомневается в правильности выбора времени для понижения рейтинга Италии, сообщил сегодня на брифинге в Брюсселе пресс-секретарь ЕК Саймон О'Коннор. По его словам, эксперты международного рейтингового агентства проявили недальновидность, сообщив о понижении рейтинга страны в преддверии итальянского долгового аукциона и попыRome's current fundraising in the financial market, Reuters reports.

Read full story:

... and consequently instant execution of trades without any slippage. There.
I see.

I'm fed up with an intraday account, boring, horrible. I want to open a second one, for intraday. I asked MMCIS, the most well-publicised company, if it was possible to open an account in euros, and the answer was no. Only in dollars. I will open a second account with my broker that promises a bonus.)

I have no such doubts.

I'm on bco myself .... but the spread is huge and the delays both with opening and closing are much worse compared to A-I.
Good gap up for Monday. I've got two Babay hang-ups, I'll probably leave them till Monday
What is A-I, Alpha, Alpari?
What is A-I, Alpha?
alpari and alpha forex, DTs