FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 182

Right-wing wins, exit delayed
The right has won, exit delayed
Far from it! It's just postponed. Why did they print the drachma then? Just in case? No. I don't think so. Just have to make it go smoothly....
Oh! Look how accurately I predicted it! 1.27 ! Like clockwork! ;-)

As Article said, 'A light unobtrusive flit'. Doll will be wondering what to do with us next.

Yeah, I'm not old enough to be a hep yet.



Yeah, I'm not old enough to be a hep yet.


I don't get it... what's it got to do with heps...

Yeah, I'm not ready for heps yet.


why so quiet? ))) I asked you a question...

Show me where the intraday is lower and what the heps have to do with it...


this option has the right to live with only a slight correction - my option is 1.2830 - the start of the next downtrend