FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 145

Relax, we're welcoming you in this uncomplicated way :)

looks like the sellers are loaded onto the train it's time to go))))) 63% on insta and 65% on alpari in sales))))


looks like the sellers are loaded onto the train it's time to go))))) 63% on insta and 65% on alpari in sales))))

monday morning we will know))))
Relax, we're welcoming you in this uncomplicated way :)

That's right, a harmless comment)))
When the pound approaches resistance at 1.5580, Ozerov's catchphrase comes to mind: - "GOL!!!! Х..!!! STANGA!!! )))

When I read that OPEC will feel uncomfortable with oil prices below 90 quid, my vocabulary sinks to a swear word. At a time when the cost of production is at 10.3 dollars a barrel, I go off cursing... and they're not even embarrassed... not enough ... not enough ... more is needed

p.s. I am not even talking about production costs at Russian companies...


A dying old Jewish trader is visited by a doctor. He took his temperature:

- Yeah. 39 и 4...

The patient struggles to open his eyes and says in a trembling voice:

- "It'll be 40 - SELL!

What has been decided on OPEC, they said the outcome around 6pm MSC
When the pound approaches resistance at 1.5580, Ozerov's catchphrase comes to mind: - "GOL!!!! Х..!!! STANGA!!! )))
Crawled... :)))
What did OPEC decide, they said around 6pm MSC.

What can they decide? If the price goes below 90, they will get together and cut production, they just decide who is the "goat" they will pin the savings on.