Humour - page 268

And who did he buy a total wrecked car from? Either it was made by Russian workers in a Russian factory or I don't know. I never buy cars made in Russia. Always only the original. There's nothing like it.
А... I forgot to add - how can one not be happy with the soft interior trim? Does he want to rip his elbows on the rubbery plastic AvtoVAZ? Actually, the steering wheel is automatically tilted upwards, when you take the key out of ignition. There's no problem for an elephant to get in.

Well, yeah...


So, yeah...

It would be informative if they compared the internal component of course (which silent blocks, shock absorbers, how everything is assembled and so on.) It seems to me that it would be much funnier there ))))


It would be informative if they compared the internal component of course (which silent blocks, shock absorbers, how everything is assembled, etc.) It seems to me that it would be much funnier there ))))

But the overwhelming majority of drivers has nothing to do with it. It is us, other generation, who pay attention to the BEAUTY of the car, but not to colour of inserts "under wood".

Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computing, Taliban edition

There's a test going on.
Professor: There are 500 bricks on board the plane. One brick fell out of the plane. How many bricks are left on board ???
Student: Well, that's easy !!! 499 !!!
Professor: Correct. Next question. How do you put an elephant in the fridge in 3 steps ???
Student: 1. Open the fridge, 2. Put the elephant in it. 3. Close the fridge !!!
Professor: Next. How to put a deer in the fridge in four steps ???
Student: 1. Open the fridge. 2. Take out the elephant. 3. Put the deer in. 4. Close the fridge !!!
Professor: Great !!! Next question. The king of beasts, the lion, has a birthday !!! All the animals came but one. Why ???
Student: Because the deer is still in the fridge !!! Professor: Great !!! Next. Can Granny walk through a swamp with crocodiles ??? Student: Of course she can !!! After all the crocodiles are at the lion's birthday party !!!
Professor: Good !!! Now for the last question. Granny went through an empty swamp but she died anyway !!! What happened to her ???
Student: Eh - eh - eh !!! She drowned ???
Professor: She didn't !!! She was hit by a brick that fell out of an aeroplane !!! I'll see you at the retake !!!

That awkward moment when two legs are better than four )))


Reminds me of
