Humour - page 87


This is nonsense. Infinity always refers to the absence of a limit. You can't be absent for a little while. The limit is either there or it is not. Just like you can't be a little bit pregnant. To say that one infinity can be more infinite than another is like saying that in one case the limit is partially present. And this is no longer infinity, for again: By infinity is understood the absence of limit. As soon as it at least partially appears as, say, a piece of barrier, at once infinity stops being infinity and becomes finite :) (pardon the pun).


For our understanding, the simplest model of infinity is a ring. If the question is posed as to the maximum distance a point can travel through a ring, the answer is infinitely long distance. And it cannot be greater than another infinitely long distance because if it were, it would mean that the ring is broken at some point in time and no further movement is possible. So the breaking of the ring means that the formulation of the problem has changed. That it is a different problem.

From the point of view of abstract mathematics this is correct. But there is also reality with its real problems. A mathematical apparatus has been invented to solve these real problems.

I just recently solved one. I wrote about it as a joke.

There is such a series:

-×/-×... -3/-3, -2/-2, -1/-1, 0/0, 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 ...×/×

Such a series, dog, is interrupted at zero. For my problem, it has to be one there. Therefore, for me, that 0/0=1, that ×/×=1. This has a direct bearing on bar work.


No, it's not nonsense, you must have been actively skipping maths.

An infinite number of rabbits. How many pairs of rabbits will there be? There will be half as many, but also an infinite number. Let each pair have four rabbits. How many rabbits? - An infinite number, but twice as many as the parents. And by the way, there are problems like this in maths textbooks.


Infinity is an abstract concept, mathematics and theoretical physics are full of it. I like imaginary mass in particular, because someone has to imagine it! :)

From the point of view of common sense, no infinity can be more or less than another, because already one of them absorbs everything and everything!

But where is common sense and where is forex... er, mathematics. :)

drknn: Infinity always refers to the absence of a limit.

Now that's delusional. The absence of a limit is a much "broader" concept than a limit equal to infinity.
Сегодня услышал историю про мотивацию по-русски.
Я горд.
Чертовски горд.
Суть: в головном офисе компании BAT решили провести аттракцион невиданной толерантности.
Постановили устроить гей-фестиваль из представителей всех офисов.
В русский офис пришла разнарядка - прислать 3 геев. Менеджмент крепко задумался.
Созвали собрание, начали думать. Придумали.
Вышло постановление: руководители подразделений, которые достигнут самых низких результатов за квартал, едут на гей-парад.
Такого производства, продаж, маркетинга, рекламы, снабжения компания не видела никогда - производительность повысилась на 100% и выше.
И менеджмент добился своих результатов - и профит получили, и пидорасов выбрали.
А вы говорите - премии, обучения, карьерный рост, гимны компании.
Фигня это все.

Now that's delusional. No limit is a much "broader" concept than a limit equal to infinity.

What does it have to do with a limit equal to infinity?
drknn: What does it have to do with a limit equal to infinity?

Your own words:

drknn : Well, that's nonsense. Infinity always refers to the absence of a limit.


Your own words:

Doesn't the presence and absence of an object seem to be different?

humorists... jokes de? here's to infinity


not me... I don't go to university ))))

emotraid: here's infinity for you