[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 300


Do I look like I'm making things up?! :) here are the facts:

At what level do we start buying? vote gentlemen. :)

SProgrammer 12.12.2011 12:19

I think something in the region of 32.

SProgrammer 12.12.2011 17:23

lo already 3208)))

3212 +/- 10 pts :)

On page 230.

Page 230.
I'm actually talking about cynicism and arrogance...

Do I look like I'm making things up?! :) here are the facts:

At what level do we start buying? vote gentlemen. :)

SProgrammer 12.12.2011 12:19

I think something in the region of 32.

SProgrammer 12.12.2011 17:23

lo already 3208)))

3212 +/- 10 pts :)

The date is December 12.

Funny but it looks like even reading what is recommended to do is difficult.

well here we go 1.3250 is not over the bump)))))

And there is an opportunity to correct from here:


What's the big jump? Who knows?


What's the big jump? Who knows?

Stepan Demura has printed his cache ))))

What's the big jump? Who knows?

I sold for 1.5 million, so it jumped, must have found a buyer:))))) Must be a lot of little Strangers piling up. Again, I'm only joking. ))))

What's another romajor?

Just a change in energy density )))) The quotes are the same, but the volumes have gone rogue ))))