[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 91


Let's walk in the footsteps!

At 3330 it's a good draw, but below that I think it's for nothing. Let's go further, but without enthusiasm)))


At 3330 it's good, but below that I think it's for nothing.
In my opinion, it won't go up far, until they touch 1.3260, probably at night, sharply, spike down and up)))) so that no one has time to figure out what the hell is up)))
In such a market we can easily go to 1.3475 and from there to 1.3260
In such a market we can easily go to 1.3475 and from there to 1.3260

The market is super, calm, no jerks, a dream.

The market is super, calm, no jerks, a dream.

yes it's twitching not like the news))))))
In such a market we can easily go 1.3475, and from there to 1.3260
3350 finish.



The market is super, calm, no jerks, a dream.

The calm before the storm!

3330 don't panic

What do you think?