how to write a dll? - page 7

I think that dll is just an ordinary assembly and linking of files into one file. That is - it helps developers: it compresses them in volume during assembly. And nobody cares what and who will put there. They may put the whole planet together. In other words: everyone has to take care of himself. DLL is a necessity for the programmer; it's the work with the file system. And that's all there is to know about files. There's no such thing as: I know about dlls, but I don't know about functions. Everything should be assembled in your brain first; it's a kind of stages of development. For example: let's say, C and C++ programming languages do not allow dll to export classes and structures; why?!, so if someone put there planet Earth and added Mars, imagine what would happen! Class work, structures within dll, calculations and calculations and only results should be returned, not all this internal demagoguery and merry-go-rounds, dances and drinking with gypsies. The DLL is a good thing. Good luck to everyone. And just now I read that there's an order of agreements that says importable in front of each (here too my brain works a little differently and understands that import is internal and export is external. Well, yeah, ok!!!), a function has to have a keyword about agreements __stdcall. With this word you can regulate dll process: so, this one will work internally, so, and this one will do import (according to them).