Sessions of black magic with full disclosure. - page 8


Yeah, that's a week's worth of emotional exercise. And what a great name he gave the website... I didn't know it was so sexy.

Denis, do as you like. Since the post is out of date (it's been more than three days), we can't delete it completely. But we can simply edit it, i.e. remove its contents.

As soon as you tell us, we'll do it. You just need to specify which posts you want to edit.

They should be killed, there is no organisation behind this site, and the site's TIC and PR are at zero. Organizations never behave so hysterically. It means they've got a big mouth on them. They have money not just on the normal server - at a normal webmaster is not. They're just sitting on cheap hosting, with 16 sites nearby. So don't give up. Forget it and that's it. Write in the google panel that they are pests and blacklist them. Fuck, take down the domain next door and put all the dirt on it - let them shit themselves and buy it from you for dough.
I read it again, all the signs of a scam are there. When they are interested in someone, they don't ask you to pay to fill in an aecdote, especially since they have already read your CV. Just think, they write "we are looking for a qualified specialist" and "we are interested in your CV", and then it turns out you pay and we will put it in the catalogue. So they are not looking for anyone, they are just trying to make money by playing on your position as a jobseeker. Hang in there, Denis.

I simply have no words to evaluate such inadequacy... So ridiculous and delusional, and in complete certainty that they are right.

Such sincere indignation that I not only prevent them from cheating people, but also demands to compensate what is not received from the deceived!

Although maybe it's just a psychological move, like "from the worst", i.e. afraid of thebig consequences and costs, I deem I will agree to a little, the only thing that is required.

In any case, it is a good example and a lesson in how brazen and cynical people can be. It's hard to be prepared for that if you're a normal person, but you have to be.

It seems to be not a bad material for the mass media, but unfortunately all my attempts, calls and letters to newspapers and television have gone nowhere. They did not arouse anyone's interest.

It would have made sense to "hold on" then, because the information would have really reached the masses. But now I feel that my article is screaming for itself. All I get in response are calls and texts from crazy people who have found a target for their critical days....))

Now this story is already coming out "dearer" to me as it takes up valuable time and attention, not really concentrating on important things when rubbish is dumped on my head.

Completely remove the material will not, "manuscripts do not burn" :), but decided to remove the text. The article in the archive is still available on my website page. I hope that Yandex.narod administration will not take advantage of mentally ill people as some other sites did.

Mathemat: Here I ask you to edit a large post on the second page of 15.07.2011 13:53, remove all text, leaving only pictures and a short explanation:

Scheme: Job offer -> Filling out the form -> "Confirm number" via paid SMS -> Thank you for using our service!

Thank you.
Denis, they should be grateful to you, you gave them a free publicity campaign, and it seems they are doing very badly without you, so they think they have found another fool in you. All this hysteria is just another scam. They can't do anything to you. I advise you, make a blog on Google or an imported zone and dissolve them there in full. Buy a domain with their name and the extension .som - it's free, and the dirt there. Toca register for "Vasya Pupkin" and take a registrar who is not Russian and they will be happy :)))

Rustam, I know they won't do anything. Nothing but shenanigans... :)

I just don't want to spend any more time or attention on it, it's not worth it.

If I suggest to you or anyone else to post my article anywhere anonymously, what will be the reaction? Like "well, what the fuck do I need it for?" )))

Well, it's not really a priority for me either :) .

I think a small victory has taken place after all, but it's time to end the story too, others are waiting.


line "What does this bogus looks like in ..." with the name of the office, too erase from the post, or just the name, the whole cheese it is from the indexing of such combinations of LA-la-la - bogus:)


... we HAD thousands of people, and now... (what a pity...)
... ...we shut that down a long time ago and we have everything working honestly... (you signed your own name to the fact that it was NOT fair)

Denis, I won't promise you anything, but save the full documentation and correspondence to.... just in case ;)

What a hoot, this alexei from the lodge. Reminds me of a bollock whose tail has been stepped on. He said a lot of things about himself.

But any war or war must be profitable or at least bring sufficient moral satisfaction. This smells like neither.

At best, they will change the name and address of the site.

The amount of satisfaction will not be commensurate with the amount of time wasted. There are more and more of these morons around. They grow like mushrooms after the rain. One-off victories don't change anything.

Our soil has been heavily fertilized lately for their breeding.


There is a golden rule --- THE ONE who looks for work, does not pay anything at any stage of the search. If not, it's a scam!

I have the same kind of scam, only from the other side. I pay a few thousand rubles for access to the job base. I get access. In the base of 120 resumes and all, ALL have long found a job.

Of course, I chose the agency before I paid. And yet ....