The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 141


Oleg, have you discovered anything new yet?

Are you suggesting that the above is long out of date and of no interest?

I never got around to making the model "in metal" in a week... There were many distractions. But I've got it all in my head - all that's left is to "put it on paper" ;)


Yusuf, let's take it from here.

Let's start with a sine wave


Select the countdowns.



The countdown is the bar number.

Yusuf, assign an interval. We will determine the PNB.

I think it would be useful to demonstrate the effect of the input signal frequency on the recorded readings:








And here's what happens...




It's no good...

Have I done everything right, Yusuf?


I think it would be useful to demonstrate the effect of the input signal frequency on the recorded readings:

Since your samples are with period dT=1, there is no point in considering frequencies w > 1/2 * 2*pi/dT = (2*pi)/(2*1) = pi, they are all cut off by the Nyquist limit.

As the samples you have are with period dT=1, there is no point in considering frequencies w > 1/2 * 2*pi/dT = (2*pi)/(2*1) = pi, they are all cut off by the Nyquist limit.

I know that, believe me. But for so many people this frequency doesn't mean anything. And they haven't heard about Kotelnikov's tereum. But the given pictures give a visual representation, which is quite understandable in general.

And here's what happens...




It's no good...

Have I done everything right, Yusuf?

We need to count by P(t;n;t)