America's default, in Russian. - page 45

then go straight to parrots.
We should start a new topic: What is America's debt?

The oil and gold charts show that the oil makers are trying to organise a downward trend, but someone is in the way.

Isn't that where the explosions in China are coming from today?


The US Congress voted 318 to 97 in favour of default

However, nothing terrible will happen. In 1971 the USA defaulted for the fourth time and the world economy did not collapse then. And this time it will be the fifth default and it will be forgotten soon, there are plenty of other problems.


The gold standard has been legislated in Utah in the US

Before Congressmen in Washington voted to default on the US foreign debt on 31 May 2011, the US state of Utah passed an unusual law two weeks earlier. There for the first time since 1971 it is allowed to use gold and silver coins for payment instead of paper dollars by their face value but by the weight of the precious metal. The law was passed under pressure from the Tea Party, which is convinced that US financial policy will lead to the collapse of the dollar.

The question is about gold and silver investment coins, which are minted by the US Mint. These are the so-called American Gold Eagles, which weigh between 0.1 and 1 ounce and have a face value of between $5 and $50, and the American Silver Eagle, which weighs 1 ounce and has a face value of $1.

Gold and silver coins issued by the Mint can now be used to pay for goods and services in Utah not at face value, but at the real value of the precious metals they contain.

Interestingly, Utah may not be the only state to pass such a law. Similar bills are already being discussed in American states such as Minnesota, Idaho and Georgia.

Source: http: //

Well, gentlemen, is the market situation reminiscent of August 2008?)
Well, gentlemen, does the market situation remind you of August 2008?)

what is the situation?

Except for those who have stocked up on groceries.

Buy gold by the barrels . the Chernomazov brothers.