[Archive! - page 382

That's a fairy tale, that's a fable.

heard about this tweet for a long time but was too lazy to even look into it, but today I looked into it and smiled - I didn't even expect to see so much half-assed profanity in the comments )))))))))))


ZS: the comments are correcting right before my eyes )))))))


А всего-то и надо - признать выборы несостоявшимися.

Mischek: Absolutely not. That would be the end of it.

What do you think can be done? After all, it's fucked (in four months).

The problem is that the opposition has no worthy leader on the scale of Khodorkovsky. If he were free and decided to run for president or head a party, the Medvedevites would be on their way to Vnukovo on private jets and on the run. Vovka wouldn't even have run for office, he would have gone to the islands.
Bingo. Zu. And he doesn't need any heroic halos. The CPRF has the highest rating as it is. And Zu is a symbol of the CPRF.

Alexei, the Moscow mayor's office has been receiving complaints from a large number of Muscovites about the rallies. They interfere with people on their way home from work.

There are proposals from citizens to take these rallies to the fecking far away beyond the Mkada, where those who want to exercise their rights to the minings can do so.

Have you complained by any chance? No. But there are many, many letters.



What do you think can be done? After all, arsehole (in four months).

So they are sitting in the Kremlin because everyone is afraid (them too). Let anyone be (Mironov?) if anything goes wrong we won't elect him again or impeach him!

Mischek: Алексей, в мерию Москвы стали поступать жалобы большого количества москвичей на митинги. Они мешают проходу людей идущих с работы [...]

Take these rallies to the fuckin' far side of the MKAD, where those wishing to exercise their rights to minings can do so

No comment, I get it.
Bingo. Zu. And he doesn't need any heroic halos. The CPRF has the highest rating as it is. And Zu is a symbol of the CPRF.
Zyu, a long time "shot down pilot", a pocket politician for the Kremlin and nothing more - one bullshit with Zhirik. All the systemic opposition are empty-nesters. Where Zyu was yesterday, not to mention Zhirik, everything is quite obvious there.
Dezil: Zu, a long time "shot down pilot", is a pocket politician of the Kremlin and nothing more

Exactly. The Kremlin is doing everything it can to make Zu the President.

P.S. Yeltsin also probably thought that the GDP he pushed through would be pocketable. And that's how it turned out...