EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 820


It seems to be going.


How do I protect myself from it? I work as a courier, I'm outside all day and I can only breathe freely in non-public places; bus stops, buses, big streets - I don't want to breathe, I get so nervous that I want to quit my job.

I can't stop smoking, that's the main thing!

until it affects me personally, no one gives a shit.

no more arguments ... )


It seems to be going.

The question is how long, this week...

Whereas in the West it is forbidden to smoke in public places, there are designated smoking areas almost everywhere, including on transport, and here it is business as usual.
It's paradise :) in Russia, smoking is allowed everywhere ?
If in the West it is forbidden to smoke in public places, there are designated smoking areas almost everywhere, including on transport, and we do everything as usual.

Exactly. You can't even smoke in the vestibule on the train, and the station is a public place ))))))

And the aspirations are usually "like in the West" in one direction. Our fines for traffic violations are the same as in Europe, and the average wage is the same as in Ukraine. Failure to pay for 15 days, double the fine... that's the way even the racket didn't multiply in the 90s ))))))


It seems to be going on. And in the private sector, too, smoking should be banned.

Strangerr: So the euro pound is down because the pound is up and the euro is standing. For me the expression "rose through the evofunt" is a mystery, sort of like the cart before the horse)))

"It will be interesting if the unravelling of the "through the evofunt" riddle now pulls the Eurobucks upwards like a cart ahead of a horse."

The eurofunt is only a cross and can't pull anything anywhere because it is a consequence, not a cause.

The investigation has established - circumstantial evidence, also the cause.


Who ran the racket in the 90s are now deputies and officials. Now they don't have the bits, they have the laws they need.

Not confused with the profile thread?

PS 60 points and all movement...sluggish


A link to Beni's speech was posted on MT5.