Nibiru - page 12


No, my friend, you're wrong. Unlike your clients (those who order grails), I only believe in world peace)))


Execute grail I have not yet ordered, maybe ordered, but I probably refused, otherwise I would have fulfilled)

Uh-huh ... More like defects in the matrix of one's own mind))))


Well, that's certainly for you to see.
 On Saturday, almost crying, The whole Kanatchik's dacha was torn to the telly... Instead of eating, washing, injecting and forgetting, The whole mad hospital gathered by the screen.

 "The rhetorician and jabberwocky, with his hand in his sleeves, Said the impotence of science Before the mystery of Bermuda..." "All our brains are in pieces, all our twists and turns are braided, And the Kanatchewan authorities are giving us a second injection. Dear editor, maybe a reactor? A favourite lunar tractor?! You cannot do that! - One year they scare us with skeletons, they say they fly, The next they say your dogs bark, The next they say your ruins! We've been beating plates all year, We've had a dog on them, If the cook doesn't lie to us. And piles of medicine - Down the toilet, that's life! Suddenly it's Bermuda! Oh, my God! We didn't make a scandal - We lacked a leader - But we've got nonsense and nonsense - The nets and nonsense of our enemies! It was Churchill's idea in '18! We wrote the TASS note about explosions and fires... The orderlies rushed to our house - They recorded us.

 "Untie your towels, you foreigners, you fiends! We're bermutin' in the heart and bermutin' in the soul!" Forty souls in shifts howl - They're so hot - How much do triangular affairs trouble us!
 And the doctor in charge, Margulis, forbade the telly. There's a serpent in the window, hiding a plug behind his back, He's giving a sign to someone, So the feldsher's going to pull out the wires.
 "We'll fall to the bottom of the well and be lost forever, like in Bermuda." "Tomorrow the children will ask, when they come to see us, 'Daddy, what did the doctor candidates say?" "We'll tell our children the truth, they care: "The amazing is near, but it's forbidden!"There's Rudick, the homely dentist, with a Grundig receiver, He's been playing it at night, catching the FRG. He was a schmoozing merchant there, He's gone mad, He's come to us with his number on his leg, in a terrible excitement.

 As if our scientific liner Were caught in a triangle, As if it had perished and wasted all its fuel, As if it had fallen to pieces.

 Those who survived the cataclysm Are pessimistic, - They were brought to the hospital in a glass prism yesterday - And one of them, a mechanic, Told, escaping from his nurses, That the Bermuda polyhedron Is the unclosed centre of the earth. "What was there? How did you escape?" - But the mechanic shook his head, and shot his doughnuts. He cried and laughed and bristled like a hedgehog. He mocked us, he was crazy! He's going to drink it for three!" He's going to drink it for three! - If it's a parallelepiped, if it's a fucking circle!" Even if it's a crazy idea, don't decide in the heat of the moment. Answer us quickly through the chief doctor's doc! Respectfully... Date. Signed. Answer us, or if you don't, we'll write... to the "Sportlotto"!

Vladimir Vysotsky




here you go )



The question was about quantum physics... Well I (and I'm not the only one) strongly believe it's at the forefront of this shitty planet. Besides, we have so many questions under our feet that the Anunnaki are, to put it mildly, smoking nervously in the corridor :o)... I'll list the most notable ones:

Why... did the ancient Egyptians spoil the old buildings in the literal sense of the word and even make graves out of them (not all of course, but a few for sure)? Question who built them and why? Here is another question: what the hell are these pyramids doing under the ground (one of the articles

How did the Maya without wheels literally build their cities from giant stones (e.g. http://mag.

Why are the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Sea at the same latitude and most interestingly divide the length of the circumference in this place by 62% ?

On what medium is the information that psychics "read" recorded?

Who made "pictures" in the Nazca desert and who spoils fields in a few seconds, making hectares into perfect geometric structures? And at night? (All England is full of night cameras including thermal ones but no one was caught)

What the hell are "flying sticks" skyfish ? :о) I have pics of friends with this thing myself.

What is the effect at Mount Kailas (Tibet) and what do the stone "mirrors" on its slopes and neighbouring peaks actually do.

Was the Flood really nothing more than the effect of the scouring of Gibraltar and subsequently the Bosphorus? And this raising of water levels in coastal areas by tens of metres in a short space of hours...

Why is everything brilliant so simple

And what got Russia drunk, if until the end of the century before last it was one of the most non-drinking countries....

А! Also. Is it true that developed capitalism is a common slave system?


eternal questions)

what is stored at the end of one of the narrow shafts of the pyramid of Cheops and has radiation?

what happened to the glowing orbs that shone for centuries in Egypt and were also displayed in ancient times on special religious days in India?

and 100 more questions, which should probably be left for later so as not to sit with your mouth open asking how and where.......

Oh... In the meantime, most of us are thinking how to buy a fresher "marin" and in which club to celebrate the name day of the heart... :о) And what is the difference between Hennessy X.O and V.S.O.P. ... and V.S. ... :о)

people here is such another question, who saw a huge ship in the middle of the desert and how to explain it? (Many also break their heads), I once saw it, but now lurked in the net and did not find it to show.

I also have one more question. There is a bright new star in the sky that is moving with time relative to other stars and it seems to be brighter than any of the others, it rises in the east, goes through the south and west, I thought it was Jupiter but damned if I know.


people here is such another question, who saw a huge ship in the middle of the desert and how to explain it? (Many also break their heads), I once saw it, but now lurked in the net and did not find it to show.

I also have one more question. there is a bright new star in the sky that is moving with time relative to other stars and it seems to be brighter than any of the others, it rises in the east, goes through the south and west, i thought it was Jupiter but damn it knows.

Yes the Oral sea is drying up... There is enough of this property scattered on steppe. Well if a star moves relative to other stars - smile, you are filmed by spy satellite in order to learn a military secret :o)... Speaking of forest fires, especially around Moscow. I am watching the laser pointer. 200 Watt, green laser...I have not tried it, but it flames up a match within a few seconds at 20 meters. 3 volt power. It is sold entirely legally, but it can easily cause a fire in the next house in a minute.It is enough to put it static, which would shine at one point.The question arises - what can you do with a laser for example 5 kw ... or 20 kw? Well, for example from a satellite to set fire to the forest ... :о/