EA needs to be refined - page 7

Hello! Guys, I can't figure out mql4(( I want to write a small EA based on two EMA's (moving averages) Which give a beep after crossing? Can you tell me something about this program ? Thanks in advance !!!
Hello guys, I can't figure out mql4(( I want to write a small advisor based on two EMA's (moving averages) Which give a beep after crossing them? Can you tell me something about this program ? Thanks in advance !!!

We're just kidding around here.

And you're talking about some mql - that's the wrong forum, son... the wrong one...


I don't remember when I moved,
I remember playing forex,
My address is not a house, not a block, not a street,
My address is the Moscow train station...
I don't remember when I moved,
I remember playing forex,
My address is not a house, not a block, not a street,
My address is the Moscow train station...

Cut down on the booze, man :D

ZS: Did you find any helpers?


did you use photoshop to draw it?

REALES monitoring -

Is this all your reals?

dude2, megadroid-real: do not like drawdowns much. megadroid-real - pipsator.

system01 - also a piper, judging by the average profitable value in pips. No trades visible (private).

victor - kind of curious and not a pipsator at all. Is it a robot?

the most recent workouts are...

foreign exchange market,
report -


Cut down on the alcohol, dear man :D

ZS: any helpers?

not yet ...