EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1372

Hi guys, the screen scroll assist button has appeared, but it's so annoying! I don't know where it came from and, most importantly, I don't know how to remove it! It pops up when I start scrolling the wheel, I click on it and it disappears, but it sticks and the picture moves behind the mouse. If only this, but the crosshair cursor on the terminal also interferes with the work, it does not come off, who knows what it is
Heh, the thing is under the mouse you have a button, the so-called middle button, apparently it is broken, and you when you spin the wheel, press by accident=) go into the mouse look at the button, if it does not press solder and do not suffer, you can take out an old mouse and solder in that place, but they fit)
Hi guys, the screen scroll assist button has appeared, but it's so annoying! I don't know where it came from and, most importantly, I don't know how to remove it! It pops up when I start scrolling the wheel, I click on it and it disappears, but it sticks and the picture moves behind the mouse. If only this, but the crosshair cursor on the terminal also interferes with the work, it does not come off, who knows what it is

Press the wheel, ecape, prl mouse - it won't help, leave the terminal and go in again...
=) why did we stop, who can say?!
By the way, we crashed into a weekly high =)what does that entail?

Press the wheel itself, ecape, prl mouse - if it doesn't work, exit the terminal and come back in...
Thanks, I pressed the wheel and it's gone, it's so easy, and I've done so much... best not to remember :)
Looks like that's it, there will probably be a small flat entry and a move down, what do you think?
By the way, we crashed into a weekly high =)what does that entail?

It follows, as the analysts say: if we don't go further up, we'll go down :)))
Let them go higher. At least at 1.3520. You have to go around the tank and grenade it))))))) And they may surrender without a fight))))