Avalanche - page 242


Vitaly once again
I think my grandmother betting on which paw the cat has started to wash more than yours.
I think my grandmother betting on which paw the cat started to wash is more than your ----- to +

Pouring in like a fire horse...

Mathemat писал(а) >>
And the series of losses can be much longer. That's the problem. If you take, say, a thousand trades, that's where all the evil grin of Laboucher is revealed...
P.S. lasso, is everything automatic in your file - or manually?

I've already started thinking about the function of lot calculation with this system. But it seems to have passed. ))
No. There are only the simplest formulas here.
Although I also would like to run several thousand with GSChS and different parameters.

Who will do it?
lasso писал(а) >>

Already started to think about the lot calculation function of this system. But it seems to have passed. ))
No. There are only the simplest formulas here.
Although I also would like to run several thousand with GSChS and different parameters.

Who will do it?

Yes the MSF in Excel (here a Bernoulli scheme) is not a problem. The main thing is to automate the calculation of the lot. I'll try it anyway, and you decide for yourself.
lasso >>:
Во, ветка растет!!!
Только отвернулся, расслабился, пивка выпил и уже полдня догонять надо.
E_mc2 Я был уверен (судя по последним 100 страницам) что Вы очень любите правду, и любите ее отстаивать.
Я тоже люблю.
А еще я люблю брать повышенные обязательства.
В данной реализации все важные критерии улучшены, кроме прибыли.
Проверяйте. Мах лоты не обновил. Но это не критично.

P.S. Олег, неужели Вы так ничего и не поняли?

You'll have to forgive him, he's having a hard time with that... understanding, and he's not very good with Excel, either. If he has a drink in the night and his head clears up, maybe he'll think of something.

Mathemat >>:
P.S. Все просто: Ваш второй ник - Евгений...
You are very gullible. Do you believe everything that is written? Even what's on the fence? Look behind the fence - there is nothing written on it.
sever29 >>:

они работают по Лавине?

You won't believe me - look for reports in reputable sources.

JonKatana >>:
Вы очень доверчивы. Верите всему, что написано? Даже тому, что на заборе? Загляните за забор - там нет того, что на нем написано.

Don't talk nonsense! There is nothing written on my fence, for example.

JonKatana писал(а) >>

You won't believe me - look for reports in reputable sources.

It is more interesting to hear from you, from the source, so to speak.

JonKatana писал(а) >>
You are very gullible. Believe everything that's written? Even what's on the fence? Look behind the fence - there is nothing written on it.

I guessed the nickname is multiplayer. Text me the password. I can keep the handbrake on, too.