Gentlemen programmers, help me with creating a simple EA - page 2

Stoic >>:

Satop, здрасьте, пожалуйста! Вы хоть душу не травите! :) Не прошу вас выкладывать свой, помогите с созданием такого наипростейшего советника, вы у нас человек известный в определенных кругах, в том числе как программер.

I don't know how you can be so sure he'll be able to write such a thing without errors?) Most of the programmers here are self-taught, I know only one who can do any thing in MQL, go to him, he certainly can do everything without any effort, he charges only 150 rubles for an indicator and 300 for an EA. I don't know how to ask him, he has the answers to any question, at least the ones I asked but they are much more complicated than yours).

qwerewq >>:

откуда такая уверенность что он сможет написать вам без ошибок такую вещь?) тут большая часть самоученые программисты, знаю только одного который сделает любую вещь на мкл, обратитесь к нему, ему уж точно все под силу берет не дорого всего 150 рублей за индюк, и 300 за советник. На любой вопрос у него есть ответы, по крайней мере которые я задавал, но они у меня на много сложнее ваших)

what a commercial!!!

qwerewq >>:

откуда такая уверенность что он сможет написать вам без ошибок такую вещь?) тут большая часть самоученые программисты, знаю только одного который сделает любую вещь на мкл, обратитесь к нему, ему уж точно все под силу берет не дорого всего 150 рублей за индюк, и 300 за советник. На любой вопрос у него есть ответы, по крайней мере которые я задавал, но они у меня на много сложнее ваших)

Well, you have to understand that Dmitry Yakovlev is just as self-taught as the rest of us. To prove this, I can see two things: the prices are too low for professional work and you can tell from the code that Dmitry has no practical experience of working with EAs on real or micro accounts. He has no processing of trading errors. (By the way, the question as to why there are none, since he has 4 years of experience? I'm beginning to have vague suspicions :)

But on the other hand, your review shows his good work with customers. It is a definite plus for the programmer, I wish we had more such programmers in our ranks :).

Therefore I will not hesitate, on behalf of all our so to say workshop, to thank you for the good review to Dmitry :)))


qwerewq unless, of course, it's not himself, under a different nickname))))

And in general, to implement the idea a lot of people can, the problem is that usually the ideas are fufu ))))

Techno писал(а) >>

And in general, many people can implement an idea, the problem is that usually the ideas are fufu ))))

Techno, honey, where have you seen a perfect technical analysis system and/or Expert Advisor workflow? If you put it that way, they are all fufo!

I think what I've described seems to me a very workable system, especially since I've tested it manually for a while. Of course, it's not without its flaws, the Martingale system is rather risky and doubtful, but sorry... it's possible to adapt to it.

For example, in my opinion, the ideal system is the inter-broker arbitrage with creation of virtual broker and virtual account. Please do it! :)


Stoic I wasn't talking about your system, I wasn't reading your stats in general.

As for manual trading, there is a big difference with automatic, even the same system, in manual trading you can slightly bypass the strict rules because of intuition (and even that you will not notice) and make a profit, in high-precision automated testing, all the flaws in the TS will be viewed with mathematical precision, the difference is usually big and not pleasant

Techno писал(а) >>

Stoic I wasn't talking about your system, I wasn't reading your stats in general.

As for manual trading, there is a big difference with automatic, even the same system, in manual trading you can slightly bypass the strict rules because of intuition (and even that you will not notice) and make a profit, in high-precision automated testing, all the flaws in the TS will be viewed with mathematical precision, the difference is usually big and not pleasant

In general I agree, but there should not be any flaws here. The variant of using the pending is not ideal, though it is correct. The pendants in gaps will not open at the specified price, which is not very nice, but it should be tolerable.

gip >>:

Ну надо понимать, что Дмитрий Яковлев точно такой же самоучка, как и все мы. В доказательство навскидку я могу заметить две вещи: цены слишком низкие для профессиональной работы и по коду можно понять, что у Дмитрия нет практического опыта работы с советниками на реальных или микро-счетах. У него отсутствуют обработки торговых ошибок. (кстати вопрос, почему их нет, ведь опыт 4 года? у меня начинают возникать смутные подозрения :)

Но с другой стороны, ваш отзыв говорит о его хорошей работе с заказчиками. Это очевидный плюс для программиста, побольше бы таких программистов в наших рядах :)

Поэтому я не побоюсь от лица всего нашего таксказать цеха поблагодарить вас за хороший отзыв Дмитрию :)))

Perhaps not to argue, but he oddly enough, unlike many of the ace self-taught here always has an answer and a solution to the problem, I think we will not be unfounded about what he does not do there and speculate for someone else, making assumptions airy not supported by facts. If this is envy, I understand if you are a lower class programmer, it is excusable. What little he takes so this is because he practically costs nothing unlike the others, try to order and see the speed of the progera, he writes very quickly and the quality of his work have not had to complain. This is purely my opinion as I worked with Dmitry and am very pleased with his answers and the speed of his work.

At the expense of the workshop, you are too exaggerated, well, if you take all the potheads and count them as workers in the workshop, it may be the workshop, but you do not even pull a team of only 3-4 highly qualified programmers on this forum, the rest are handymen like me).

qwerewq писал(а) >>

I don't know how you can be so sure he'll be able to write such a thing without errors?) Most of the programmers here are self-taught, I know only one who can do any thing in MQL, go to him, he certainly can do everything without any effort, he charges only 150 rubles for an indicator and 300 for an EA. I don't know how to ask him, he has the answers to any question, at least the ones I asked but they are much more complicated than yours).



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Integer >>:



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