[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 41

Neutron писал(а) >>

Exactly the whole system!

This is the scenario played out in the ball and barrel system - when surfacing, the pressure will increase by the hydrostatic pressure, which is equal to dP=pgh, where p is the density of the medium, g is the acceleration of gravity, h is the height of the barrel.

Why does it rise? The pressure in the bubble drops as it floats up, the bubble expands. But it cannot expand, according to the conditions of the problem.

It means that it does not expand, which means that part of carbon dioxide will pass into solution.


Here's another one on the subject:

Everyone knows that when you land a plane, your ears stick up and sometimes they hurt like hell! Of course, people have different tolerances and training is probably important, but we've all wondered "why"? Everyone. At least all the blondes on board the airliner guess that the plane is leaky and deflates while flying to Los Angeles. The other half of the passengers (mostly men) know that everyone is cheating and have expired compressors which are supposed to maintain pressure in the cabin and are therefore unable to pump the required amount of air. So, we suffer!

But how is it really? Why is the pressure in the aircraft low during cruising?

Neutron писал(а) >>

Here's another one on the subject:

Everyone knows that when you land a plane, your ears stick up and sometimes they hurt like hell! Of course, people have different tolerances and training is probably important, but have we ever wondered why? Everyone. At least all the blondes on board the airliner guess that the plane is leaky and deflates while flying to Los Angeles. The other half of the passengers (mostly men) know that everyone is cheating and have expired compressors which are supposed to maintain pressure in the cabin and are therefore unable to pump the required amount of air. So, we suffer!

But how is it really? Why is the aeroplane depressurized during cruising flight?

Cruising means horizontal flight? Then because the column of air pressing down on everyone decreases with increasing altitude.


Was that a joke?

As in, cabin pressure equals outboard pressure? We would have suffocated from a lack of oxygen partial pressure at 10-11km altitude. Almost all of us!

Clearly, it's decreasing. The question is, why is it not kept constant and equal to atmospheric pressure? Our ears would not be sore.

Avals >>:

от этого зависит решение задачи. Если оно бесконечно большое, то не взлетит, если малое то взлетит. Если какое-то среднее, то будет зависеть от тяги самолета - хватит ли ее чтобы его преодалеть и разогнаться. Когда самолет разгоняется по неподвижной полосе, то работа силы трения меньше, чем когда по движущейся. У колеса тоже есть трение, но оно перераспределено в трение подшибников оси и т.д. Поэтому для простоты можно рассматривать самолет взлетающий на лыжах например. Что реально когда трение мало (по снегу)

Negligible so it equals 0

Accordingly, the solution does not depend on

Neutron писал(а) >>

Here's another one on the subject:

Everyone knows that when you land a plane, your ears stick up and sometimes they hurt like hell! Of course, people have different tolerances and training is probably important, but have we ever wondered "why"? Everyone. At least all the blondes on board the airliner guess that the plane is leaky and deflates while flying to Los-Angeles. The other half of the passengers (mostly men) know that everyone screws up and their compressors, meant to keep the cabin pressure constant, are out of date so they can't pump the right amount of air. So, we suffer!

But how is it really? Why is the aeroplane depressurized during cruising?

1. The higher the pressure inside, the more likely it is that it will fall apart and someone will be "sucked out" of it :)

2. The lower the pressure, the lighter the plane, the less fuel it needs.

Mischek писал(а) >>

Negligible so it equals 0

Accordingly, the solution does not depend on

then it will definitely take off. And even from the belly - without landing gear))))

Mischek >>:

Нет и не может быть в сложившейся ситуации более важных дел

Интересное кино - полторы сотни пассажиров со вчерашнего вечера не могут улететь по своим делам, ждут нашего единогласного решения

Я буду жаловаться

I'd love to, but I'm going on a business trip for a couple of days :o(.

And you know colleague, now I have become quite calm about our aviation. After "They ensure that they are NOT grounded" I clearly understand that you will make even penguins fly, and no one has been able to make them yet.

Richie >>:

1. Чем выше давление внутри, тем выше вероятность, что он развалится на части и кого-нибудь "высосет" из него:)

2. Чем ниже давление, тем легче самолёт, тем меньше ему нужно топлива.

I would say the answers are both correct. But, these are second-order effects of smallness. There is a bigger reason.

What is it?

Farnsworth >>:

Я бы с удовольствием, но намечается небольшая командировка на пару дней :о(

А знаете коллега, сейчас я стал совершенно спокоен за нашу авиацию. После "Они обеспечивают НЕ ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ от земли" я отчетливо понимаю, что Вы заставите летать даже пингвинов, а их никто еще не смог сделать.

I believe, colleague, you have understood correctly the meaning of "no dependence" in this context.

Justify your flight under the pretext of a business trip can only be the fact that you are going directly to that airfield with a stock of instruments and measuring equipment ...

And the penguins... they've been flying for a long time.