Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 301


300 pages of flub.

"I reckon, gentlemen, that was comedy..." :)

Swetten писал(а) >>

300 pages of flub.

So don't flub the thread, write five posts at a time... ))

Так и не надо флудить в ветке, по 5 постов за раз пишите... ))
I'm upholding the floodgate rating! :)
RomanS писал(а) >>
I wonder what's in store for us on the euro pound pair? I'd like to see a breakdown...

The EUR pound may go up to 0.9, then it will probably go down to 0.82 ))

Swetten писал(а) >>
I'm upholding the fludowl rating! :)

No need to do that!!! ))


"Sensational predictions come in the form of 'spam' in recent days. Experts from the consulting company FBK predict that at the end of December the dollar will cost 42 roubles, and oil prices will collapse to $12 a barrel. Following oil, the price of gold will fall. However, other analysts polled by the business portal were skeptical of this statement. Experts of Financial and Exchange Corporation sent similar forecasts to the emails of many Internet users."

There's a lot of interesting stuff about Niroba. :)


Это торгует робот на базе Волновой теории, в реальном режиме времени, причём на памм счёте. :)

Посмотрим на что он способен ;-)

You see, Alexei, given the many lies you have told here and on the net, another PIPPING does not do the trick at all

Either invest or monitor or link to pamm

Otherwise it is nothing more than your public auto-training.

If you do not think so, let him correct me ( no clones please).

You have two choices, either prove it and you will have a steady flow of customers, or continue playing the role of a sick clown.


Евро-фунт могут к 0.9 подкинуть, потом, скорее всего, к 0.82 сливать будут ))

Well why did you bring up a sore subject, the euro pound you sold from 0.7 if I am not mistaken .


ZZZ who's planting them, can you tell me? :)

Mischek >>:

Видите ли алексей, учитывая вагоны вранья, вываленные вами и тут и в инете, очередные КАРТИНКИ не канают вааще

Или инвест или мониторинг или ссылка на памм

иначе это не более чем ваш публичный аутотренинг

Если же и чысячь местных обитателей кто то считает иначе, пусть он меня поправит ( только клонов не надо )

нироба, у тебя два варианта, либо доказать и тады приток клиентов тебе обеспечен либо продолжать играть роль больного клоуна

We've already had this conversation on the 80th page of this thread. Of course there will be no monitoring of either pamm or invest.
You have seen how he really trades. Who will advertise this trading? All the overexposure and unjustified risk of loss.
Only screenshots and "forecasts".

Showumastgoon, gentlemen.

Ten days of counting. It's not bad, actually. :) That's about 400 quid from the maestro. Well, let's wait and see what happens. We're taking bets on how many days the account will live. My guess is 80 to 90 days.