Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 11

timbo >> :

..Even at temperatures of +30 and their humidity (90-100%) a cold beer you:

1) you can't hold a glass/bottle in your hands.

2) it won't go down your throat.

The only saving grace is a powerful air conditioner, which really makes you freeze and you want something warm...

Well, it's not so gloomy up close... At +30...35 and 100% humidity, the beer holds up great and drops down your throat all by itself. Doesn't save you, but it makes it easier. And air conditioning is evil, only breaks the buzz. You have to get used to the "good life" the natural way...

granit77 >> :

Getting used to the 'good life' has to come naturally...

In a little house in the backyard with a little door and a little window?


granit77 >> :

Well, it's not so dusky up close... At +30...35 and 100% humidity, the beer holds up perfectly and falls down your throat on its own. Doesn't save you, but it makes it easier. And air conditioning is evil, only breaks the buzz. You got to get used to the good life naturally...

If you don't mind water sloshing down your hand with cold beer and wet bottle/glass doesn't slip out, it's ok.


Only total losers or complete morons photoshop screenshots. :))))))))))))))

Truth be told, that's exactly what you made yourself look like here in the previous episode. So self-criticism above all else. And by the way, what a wonderful, I'd say telling surname you have - Niroba, a slacker in Ukrainian. About +40 in Bali in the shade, yes, that's cool. Thank you, I had a laugh. Way to go, monsieur wavinovnik.

NYROBA писал(а) >>

+40 in the shade, only a cold beer saves :-)

Mischek >> :

Barely crawled out from under the table at last. )))


Not even Sabluk has seen pictures like this.


Gentlemen, why don't we talk about wave theory? Comrade Neroba has a special invitation :). Do you think the fourth impulse wave (since the beginning of the year) is a genetically modified Eliot, or maybe there was an X-wave and we will fly to the moon? However, in support, I can say that this 4th wave ended beautifully - by Fibo.

Analysis of the latest momentum

Eh, if one could apply this analysis not in hindsight but really predict the weather, all seats in Bali would be bought by traders :) Who thinks so?

How do I make it so that it doesn't compress the picture?
IlyaA >> :
How can I make it not compress the picture?

You can't, you have to click on the picture to enlarge it.

Although it's kind of unseemly to discuss topics that have anything to do with Eliot under Niroba's name. If anyone thinks so, please ignore my "predictions".