Classical thechanalysis doesn't work any more. What works, maybe quantum? - page 22

Avals >> :

>> from what do you draw this conclusion?

Because you don't know rhythmodynamics!

Svinozavr >> :

It's a strange day today. One got up out of his mind and managed to mix up his right and left hemispheres. You're taking what I said on the subject personally.

Oh, man. What's that got to do with you? The answer to your question was in the first paragraph, which for some reason you didn't quote.

And then, by making a blank line between the cutters, I made a point on the subject. You're not a topiksarter, are you? What then?

Of course to write on forums, you don't have to answer for your words. Too many words YOURSELF, use, wait, you etc. And again - "One got up out of his mind and managed to confuse the right hemisphere with the left".

Svinozavr >> :

(Strange questions you guys have, though...))

You really think I don't know the basic principles of genius TA? The question was rhetorical.

DC2008 >> :

Technical analysis has been and will continue to be. It's not about that, it's about where, in which direction it will evolve. I have already got the answer in this thread.

And classical analysis is not satisfying because the market has changed - it is evolving: prices are jumping in leaps and bounds, ... and robots have entered the market.

Your beloved MA has stopped smoothing and therefore as an element of archaic TA it no longer works? Is that what you mean when you say prices are jumping in steps? Well... from that point of view, yes. Only where else would one look at such prices... Everything works. It may not work the way it was used. And even that's only temporary.

I (conciliatorily) only want to say one thing - before you give up something to go on, you must know what you are giving up. Otherwise there will be nothing. You, judging by your announced topic, don't quite understand.

And then, of course, there is more. And a very interesting one at that.

Svinozavr >> :

Friend, does up to 1000 trades a day on forts tell you anything (on average, somewhere around 400)? That's only on forts on index futures. On mamba, of course, significantly less, but still. And I am not an investor.

And I think who trades there, it turns out Svinozavr is a market maker with himself.

FOXXXi >> :

Do you really think I don't know the basic principles of genius TA? The question was rhetorical.

No. There's definitely something wrong with the position of the planets today.

What are you talking about? How do I know the question was rhetorical? Style? And why are you quoting again? I'm not answering. Just to get it over with:

FOXXXi wrote >>.

Price is also an indicator. The question for you as a TA specialist is: "What are the basic principles behind TA?"

Well, that's pretty clear. It's all based on inertia and the wave nature of the market.

And if you define the subject of analysis, it is all that is present in the quote stream: time, price, volume. If the protocol allows, then the analysis of the stack, open interest (futures) and so on.

Well, you've already been quoted. And stop poking. It does not add conviction and authority to you - on the contrary.

Conclusion: "TA works, you just have to know how to cook it". It's like a cult - "The disease will go away - you just have to believe, and if you don't believe, then it won't go away".

I am new to a forum that is nothing but sad. On one side are uneducated forum users and on the other side are educated supporters of BP stationarity. It seems to me that the winners (in terms of money) are uneducated forum users who will find a few patterns and quietly collect their dough. This is the level of TA, which corresponds to the level of that Chukchi who sings what he sees. These people are closer to the subject and perceive BP for what it is. They are joined by NS, who also look for patterns that are impossible to see. The forum is in a deadlock thanks to these people. After all, there is mathematics for nonstationary processes, there are adaptive control systems in nonlinear nonstationary environments - there is nothing of this on the forum. Those pathetic sprouts which appear on the forum are either silenced or crushed by supporters of stationarity of BP.

faa1947 >> :

I am new to a forum that is nothing but sad. On one side are uneducated forum users and on the other side are educated supporters of BP stationarity. It seems to me that the winners (in terms of money) are uneducated forum users who will find a few patterns and quietly collect their dough. This is the level of TA, which corresponds to the level of that Chukchi who sings what he sees. These people are closer to the subject and perceive BP for what it is. They are joined by NS, who also look for patterns that are impossible to see. The forum is in a deadlock thanks to these people. After all, there is mathematics for nonstationary processes, there are adaptive control systems in nonlinear nonstationary environments - there is nothing of this on the forum. Those pathetic shoots which appear on a forum either are shut up, or are crushed by supporters of stationarity of BP.

Well start a separate thread about it. If it will be really interesting, don't doubt, people will be drawn to it. It has happened more than once, in epic themes.

HideYourRichess писал(а) >>

Well, start a separate thread about it. If it's really interesting, don't doubt, people will come around. More than once it happened, in epic threads.

I started it all in vain. Gave proofs of non-stationarity and nonlinearity.