EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1194

Shit, it's going up, 1.3652
OlegTs писал(а) >>

from this source

EURUSD 1.3644 for now, although it may drop like last time...

Thank you I keep losing the link.

baltik >>:

Спасибо все время теряю ссылку

you're welcome;)))

Ah, I use
baltik >>:

by the way, before work starts on how you put the terminal on 7, I use server 2008 features as standard


There's a patch that removes the restriction.

I don't have it handy right now, if you need it I'll post it tomorrow from work.

zhuki >>:
А,я пользуюсь

not impressed, the information there is now outdated, on fxstreet the quotes go second by second, see for yourself, but for this you need to download Java

Galina >>:

Здравствуйте, драгоценный мой Хаус :))

Рада Вас видеть на нашей ветке сново !

Hello esteemed Galina, sorry I do not know your patronymic, but it's nice that at least someone remembers me even in a place like the forum! I want to reciprocate and tell you from the bottom of my heart that I am happy to see and hear you too, even though you are always showing your tongue )))

baltik >>:

есть патч который убирает ограничение

счас нет под рукой если надо выложу завтра с работы

I'd really appreciate it, because, you know, to do this for five clients...

OlegTs >>:

не впечатлило, там сейчас устаревшая информация, на fxstreet котировки идут секунда в секунду, посмотри сам, правда для этого нужно Java подгрузить

What is the point of weekend quotes . They don't even seem to reflect trends to me. It's not exactly what we see on trading days.

It is of interest only before the market opens to try to predict the gap at the opening. Or maybe you have a different opinion.