EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1004

Alexan >>:
Саблук к антисемитам переметнулся?

Semites are representatives of peoples who speak Semitic languages.

Of the modern Semitic languages, the most widely spoken is
Arabic (spoken by 322 million people, total number of speakers 420 million)

followed by Arabic in terms of number of speakers:
Amharic (25 million),
Tigrigna (9 million) and
Hebrew (7 million).
Necron >>:

For the Mayan calendar is ending and the world will end and according to the Tibetan Lamas a higher power will intervene:))))))

chepikds >>:

Добрый вечер всем! мой взгляд на текущую ситуацию:

According to the classics they should run away very quickly at 1.42...

Since when did the euro go up?
NikT_58 писал(а) >>

Classically it should run off very quickly to 1.42.

Classically, there should be a pullback to 1.375 - according to the triple dip model. It has happened. Therefore the prospect of 1.42 seems likely to me after a low update.


The Euro has now stopped at the Fibo 38.2 level from the fall of August-November 2008

If it breaks through, it will go to 50 - 1.4200.


How was your walk?

The eurik's been a real bumpy ride ???

I couldn't take it, I added on the breakdown of 1.3709.....

All now at 1.45 at least we go.

I expect the first correction just below 1.40, I don't know exactly where it is yet.

But you understand yourself.... I'm not planning to exit longs at all.


Now I feel very comfortable.

And by the way in the longs on EURASIA AUSTRALIAN as well !!!!


Don't judge too harshly, but for me this near-term scenario is as clear as day.

My long term plans for the Evra Dollar are known to all.

Again I repeat that even if it goes to a new low (which I highly doubt !!!!), any figure not lower than 1.3470 is quite acceptable.


And left the central banks, central bottles, central cans and all sorts of funds, racking their brains with strategies and tactics, ragamuffins earning pennies for a piece of bread...

So - Sell 1.3765 (with TP at the greedy level and without SL :) May the greedy think 50 pips.

(This trade is not recommended by "Masters of technical analysis" - all responsibility for trades on this trade is on Buy_Sell-button)

Galina >>:

Ну как вам прогулочка ???

Не хило еврик шандарахнул ???

Я не выдержала, добавилась на пробое 1.3709.....

ВСЕ ТЕПЕРЬ НА 1.45 как минимум пойдем.

Первую коррекцию жду чуть ниже от 1.40 пока не знаю где там точно.

Но сами понимаете.... выходить из лонгов я на этом участке не планирую совсем.


Теперь вот очень комфортно себя чувствую.

И кстати в лонгах по ЕВРЕ АВСТРАЛИЙЦУ ТОЖЕ !!!!

Good luck to you!

Look at the volume of growth today, it's ridiculous!