Software products from Piligrimm - page 8

Dear Piligrimm! Regarding inserting graphics - ".... put the cursor in the line where you want to upload a picture", I press the "reply" button, a message window opens for me. Click "on the icon "picture", the window appears, the button "review" - I do not have any icons, a blank field!? Here now only text and at the bottom Attach file: => "Browse" ( Maximum size 4 MB (mq4, ex4, mqh, mqt, dll, zip, rar, txt). Now to the essence. The Alpari administrator has informed me that a separate topic will be created after some communication on the forum, during which it will become clear that the topic is interesting and useful. I agreed and did not insist. From the discussion later on it would become clear that the subject is quite serious and suggests the same. In general, it could look as follows: "Is it possible to build price barriers for entering and exiting a channel, say, the classical one built by the values of High and Low of the bar sequence?" In practice this means that there has to be barrier forecasting technology. The attached chart shows the results of such an approach. To this I would add that price barrier lines are plotted approximately 2 to 5 timeframes from the moment of their breakthrough. The forecast interval is 10 timeframes. This technology is a tool for analysing and forecasting market dynamics and trends. It is not a trading system as the trading method is ridiculously simple: a local price extremum is expected before the entry barrier into the channel and an order is opened (without a stop loss?), another local price extremum is expected before the exit barrier into the channel and an order is closed with simultaneous opening of an opposite order ..... That is the reason why I do not touch upon the issue of a trading system - it simply does not exist. The technology of barrier forecasting itself is quite effective - the reliability of barrier estimation for all instruments and timeframes is 80-90%. The lower border at timeframes - m5, m15, m30 (high level of noise), the upper - H1, H4, D1. P.S. The attached script in the form of vertical lines on the screen of the MT4 terminal shows the moments of the main trading platforms start. Maybe, someone may find it useful. VM.


As another example of using indicators, I would like to present a small expert system built on the indicator "Indicator Trend" and the simplest two-layer neural network of inverse distribution. When a new discretization point of the indicator "Indicator Trend" is formed, the expert system makes a forecast for a step forward of the trend direction to the future discretization point. In this example the forecast is made for 10 sampling points corresponding to the breakpoints on the price chart. For the forecast we purposely chose the dynamic area where the trend changes its direction 4 times during 10 points. In the first figure you can see a price chart with those points. In the second figure, the red line corresponds to the sampling points of the first chart and the blue one is the forecast generated by the Expert Advisor using those points.

Point 1 corresponds to the time on 16 May 10:15, point 2 to 11:15, point 3 to 11:45, point 4 to 12:30, point 5 to 12:45, point 6 to 14:00, point 7 to 14:15, point 8 to 14:30, point 9 to 14:45, point 10 to 15:30. As we can see in the picture, the Expert Advisor gives quite accurate trend forecast, there is only point 4, where the forecast is one beat ahead (but it is better than late), moreover price change in this interval was not very large, within the range of 9 points. Absolute value of the forecast points' prices is rather different from their real values, but we shouldn't expect anything more from such a simple system based on a two-layer neural network, it has already solved the problem of forecasting directions.


Something about these turkeys reminds me of this one.
That's the approach to finding micro-investors....!!!!!!!!!! Bravo!!!!!! You, Mr Pilgrimm, have spent a very long time studying and researching ...... systems. The result is nothing but nothing. I, it turns out, don't even have the brains to understand how with such an invaluable wealth, which has found no use even for you, you can so proudly defend the value of your (invaluable) work!!!!!!!!!! By the way, I have a few ideas for the architecture of trading systems, but I can't find any use for them........ maybe you will be interested in buying them at 80 c.u. for each......????


Ohhhhhhhhhh - it's a lot of redrawing. I don't understand how you can work on it at all........