Predicting the future with Fourier transforms - page 35


Explain this kind of thing. This Tesla transformer draws 40W from the mains. There is a light bulb in the meter. What if you put 10 light bulbs in there? Will they all light up? And the total thermal power they will give off will be more than the power the unit draws from the mains? Is that it, or am I misunderstanding the process?

Yeah. There's a video of Tesla. He did the same experiment. It was filmed back then. It was even on TV.
paukas: And before Maxwell? No phenomena or what?

There were, of course, but some inarticulate ones.

Like radiant energy.

Let these brilliant disprovers of conventional science write Maxwell's equations for this radiant energy and predict its properties which can be seen in experience.

Self-powering is a simple engineering task and has nothing to do with free energy.
Zhunko: It is also possible to repeat the circuit. The circuit is simpler than a direct amplified receiver.
Have you even replicated any of the effects yourself?
Did you do any of the effects yourself?
I told you above that I had such effects when I was building transmitters.

How is it not connected? Where does the energy come from then? Self-powered is a guarantee that the efficiency of the plant is above 100%. They're talking about an efficiency of 600%. I would like to see that. But, personally, I haven't seen it yet.

The task of self-powering is a simple one. What does "self-power" have to do with it? It says that there are installations that don't require powering up at all. In his interview in Dinatron's kitchen he talks about other people's experiments where no "artificial" source is required. It takes atmospheric electricity.

First review and read all the material. Then we'll talk.


In case anyone has forgotten:

The simplest radio transmitter:

A rudimentary radio transmitter:

Not just sparks, it even plays music, without batteries!

The best part: http: // and no miracle.


We have a Tesla coil with a Browin coil on a transistor. We did these experiments a year ago. But, we didn't find any effect of increasing power, rather the opposite - it dissipates. And anyway, why are we talking about power increase? We should talk about increasing energy, that is more correct. This is again a substitution of notions. So, there is no such increase, it has not been detected.

It is right that it is not detected.

In case anyone has forgotten:

The simplest radio transmitter:

A rudimentary radio transmitter:

Not just sparks, it even plays music, without batteries!

The best part: http: // and no miracle.

The c2 conduit is redundant.

A couple more pictures: