[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 701


Michael, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's been a long time since I laughed like that... :-)))
Well, I wanted to cry so much after that epic
well, it made me want to cry so much after that epic

There's a debate going on at NTV right now - ask THEY (THE HOSPITALS) the question on the air or in the chat room... :-)))

It's just getting to the listener chat... :-)))


"And there's not enough asphalt anymore, and you can't get new cretins..."

It's not all bad. There's, there's! more deposits.


I'll tell you a joke. I went to a 5D movie with some friends. I was wearing a short dress and loose long hair (below the waist).

The movie "rollercoaster" started. The chair was tipping to all sides, then a strong wind blew, my skirt covered my whole face (and you can't hold the skirt, you have to hold on to the arms of the chair), then bats flew over my legs, then I flew by a waterfall... Anyway, I came out of the cinema, people were staring at me: my hair was torn, the skirt of my dress was wrinkled, I was all wet and my legs were battered... I look like I've been raped...


I'll tell you a joke. I went to a 5D movie with some friends. I was wearing a short dress and loose long hair (below the waist).

The movie "rollercoaster" started. The chair was tipping to all sides, then a strong wind blew, my skirt covered my whole face (and you can't hold the skirt, you have to hold on to the arms of the chair), then bats flew over my legs, then I flew by a waterfall... Anyway, I came out of the cinema, people were staring at me: my hair was torn, the skirt of my dress was wrinkled, I was all wet and my legs were battered... I look like I've been raped...

Ha. It's no big deal. A friend of mine went to see "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at 7 D. Anyway, she got pregnant, had a black kid. What's the world coming to...

"And there's not enough asphalt anymore, and you can't get new cretins..."

"And the clothes are gone and the dishes are gone..."

successful issue


Ha. Big deal. A friend of mine went to see "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at 7 D. Anyway, she got pregnant, had a black kid. What's the world coming to...
Nah... I wasn't knocked up, of course, but I was dizzy and nauseous...
Nah... I wasn't knocked up, of course, but the dizziness and nausea was there...

I see. How did it feel when the... er...the wind blew hard? How would you describe the strength of the wind - powerful, stormy, hurricane-like?

I'll tell you a joke. I went to a 5D movie with some friends. I was wearing a short dress and loose long hair (below the waist).

The movie "rollercoaster" started. The chair was tipping to all sides, then a strong wind blew, my skirt covered my whole face (and you can't hold the skirt, you have to hold on to the arms of the chair), then bats flew over my legs, then I flew by a waterfall... Anyway, I came out of the cinema, people were staring at me: my hair was torn, the skirt of my dress was wrinkled, I was all wet and my legs were battered... I look like I've been raped...

I was wearing a short dress... then a strong wind blew the skirt over my face...

I see. How did it feel when the... er...the wind blew hard? How would you describe the strength of the wind - strong, stormy, hurricane?
There were many winds: at first it was calm, then when we went downhill there was a strong wind ... the wind was very strong - first we went underwater, then came out of the water with a gale force wind, after the volcano we hit a hurricane and then went under a waterfall and it was calm again ... going into the jungle was quiet and calm, then we reversed and went downwind, then a strong wind -.... I didn't see everything because the skirt of my dress was covering my eyes ... but it was always there.