[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 152


Watching this video as if spellbound


Нет, все не так. По классику - не могут только верхи. Низы - не хотят (гармония получается, если разобраться).

And how could you want to, say, after that? http://www.gazeta.ru/auto/2010/06/10_kz_3383386.shtml (Police stormed the flat of an elderly woman for a scratch on her bumper)

...............The traffic cops laugh: "What do you want? Are we going to lose our shoulder straps because of you? We need to punish you. And they added: "If you are a prosecutor, no lawyer, no one and nothing can help you!


The drummer seems to know how to work with two swords :)


I don't urge you to want to.

The clip is fun. It's kind of like Octopussy's garden New Edition.

Will you help me?
- What's the problem?
- I have the text here in .txt format, but I need it in .doc- format.
How do I do that?
- Different format, you say? Well, then write it in .txt, space... Where's your...
where's the text? In Tse? Then write it in Tse, colon and Yenther!
- Will it help?
- The most powerful remedy!

You have to earn money. And not somehow, but with your profession.

Do you need qualified help?