[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 57


Where's the humour in that? :)

You're cluttering up the thread again :(

goldtrader писал(а) >>

Where's the humour in that? :)

You're cluttering up the thread again :(

Isn't it humour when you're a 90's programmer brother.

Like one "IIPA-labeled iron" to another...


goldtrader писал(а) >>

Where's the humour in that? :)

>> again, the thread is clogged up :(

Dad and his son are walking through the zoo. Suddenly his son yells, "Daddy, look!
Traders!!!" and points to the gorilla cage.
Dad: Why?
Son: Hairy, unshaven and a blister on their ass.
gip >>:

Ёпрст. Ещё раз.

Не сделали такой комплектации которая лично тебе нужна. Ну просто её никто не сделал. Может ещё сделают.

Ну блин, если мне не сделали пятиколесного мотоцикла, это же не повод скручивать колеса у соседа, хоть он и гад каких свет не видывал.

Приходится покупать шестиколесный и либо ездить на таком, либо откалупывать одно колесо.

Fucking two!

My aspirations and intentions are just a vision of how things should be. Logic.

At your leisure, take a look at how many of the installer packs are actually used...


Here as an example I wanted to mention Outpost. Where among other things there's a free version.

And it turns out they even updated their ancient version, just kudos and respect!

Even if it is not "all in one", but for the solution of the problem it is quite a good tool...

Nobody will argue that the problem of protection is not a problem of user and they should cover their defects of architecture.

And the idea is to leave the development and support of free protection tools to the OS developer.

Peace, friendship, don't call me names.
goldtrader >>:

И где тут юмор? :)

Where one tries to embrace the unkempt...


Like scientists trying to measure the vastness of the universe.

And they're also trying to get salaries, grants, titles, etc...

gip >>:
Мир, дружба, не обзывайся.


let's keep on humouring...


Friday, 19 February 2010 06:55:11

One day Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin called the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.
- Hey, brotello! - Vladimir Vladimirovich™ said excitedly, "Are you out of your mind?! Seventeen generals at once!
- Well, why?" Dmitry Anatolyevich didn't understand, "Nurgaliyev gave his permission.

Vladimir Vladimirovich™ took the phone off his ear and looked at it carefully.


kombat >>:

Вот в качестве примера хотел привести Оутпост. Где среди прочего есть и бесплатная версия.

А оказывается они даже обновили свою древнюю версию, только респект и уважуха!



We're sorry!

TrialPay is unavailable in this country for this particular product.

But nevertheless I really don't feel sorry to pay for this product.

kombat >>:

Ёпрст два!

Мои чаяния и намерения это всего лишь видение как должно бы быть. По логике.

На досуге посмотрите сколько из пакета программ установки винды используется в реале...

I've stepped back here...

Combat, your vision of how things should be, with all due respect, is nobody's .....

Stealing is stealing, whatever 'visions' it may be justified by

I honestly have half of my software "after the cure" too, but I'm not looking for excuses

Friendship, Africa, chewing gum, freedom )

Mischek >>:

Я тут отошел..

Комбат, Ваше видение как должно быть, при всём уважении, никого не .....

Воровство это воровство, какими бы "видениями" оно не было оправдано

У меня честно говоря половина софта тоже "после лекарства", но я не ищу отмазок

Дружба,Африка, жевачка, свобода )

Keyword: too.

I don't have any broken software on my work computer, but I have plenty of free software,

or shareware, basically software that justifies its functionality.

I'm not justifying theft, especially on this issue it's more important for me not to blush...

for stolen software, but to avoid dealing with a snooty "authority figure"...

Well, let me remind you that my speech is about the need for a free version of the OS.

not about the software market in general...