MQL forum - page 6

Better to die of a heart attack? :)
Well, there's other ways to relax. :)
How did a BARAN end up in a flock of sheep?
He wasn't in the flock, he was playing chess with the shepherd=)

And it's not about people's intelligence, it's about the way they perceive the world.

One piece of advice. Look for your own individual style ... Learn to live and work with ADRENALIN, fear, emotions, which always arise in the work, and often blocks the intellect and common sense ... Learn to live and work together with ADRENALIN, fear, emotions, which always arise in the work and often blocks the intellect and common sense.

Learn to LIVE AT WAR and not to be afraid, but to fight in spite of the dangers.

Blood, shit, sand and sugar...
How did a BARAN end up in a flock of sheep?
He wasn't in the flock, he was playing chess with the shepherd=)

Who was playing chess with the shepherd?
How did a BARAN end up in a flock of sheep?
He wasn't in the flock, he was playing chess with the shepherd=)
Copy that:)
It's high time we opened a Flame thread in the Forum.
That's how everyone needs it :)

"Make this forum for MQL discussion only" :)))

You're a rare fool yourself, Gorillych. First show what you can do (if you're a normal man who's in charge, and if you're so keen on showing off at Champs), and then label others.

2 ballistika: if we're talking about shepherds, then a question for you: have you read Saramago's "The Gospel of Jesus"? Oh, it's interesting, but it's obviously not for priests...
Here's a girl who wrote:

"...And you - write COUNTRY, develop your hand( and in your spare time from developing your hand - pay some attention to culture too - will help a lot later on...). "

As I understand it, it's not just written to me, but to all expert writers, including you. And you like it?
Gorillych, I don't like ballistika's advice, not at all, because that's exactly what I've been doing for the last couple of years, i.e. writing advisories. It's not just that I don't like her reasoning (I'm not talking about culture, because that advice suits me fine).

But ballistika behaves correctly, while you call her names, and not justifiably so. I like to criticise too, but I try to make an argument.

I suggest everyone who has nothing better to do should piss off here:

There's plenty of room for verbal acrobatics.


Alexey, come on, that's why this thread was created (God works in mysterious ways). Does it bother you? The days of discussing MQLs alone are over.