MT4 - Restoring missing ticks from Market Watch window


When the indicator thread becomes busy and misses the next tick, the missed tick data is still displayed in the Market Watch tick chart window.

Market Watch 


So I wonder if there is a way how to get the missing tick data that is on display in the Market Watch window. I thought about the file ticks.raw file, but it does not seem to update in real time. 

Ovo Cz:

When the indicator thread becomes busy and misses the next tick, the missed tick data is still displayed in the Market Watch tick chart window.



So I wonder if there is a way how to get the missing tick data that is on display in the Market Watch window. I thought about the file ticks.raw file, but it does not seem to update in real time. 

Did you discover an answer to this question? If so, please update us!
HarriMQL5: Did you discover an answer to this question? If so, please update us!
That ability is not directly available in MT4/MQL4 (only in MT5/MQL5)! There is probably a way to "hack" that information out, but it does not seem to be public knowledge.
Did you discover an answer to this question? If so, please update us!

No, I did not find a way, and honestly I did not dig into it any more.
Библиотеки: HistoryTicks
Библиотеки: HistoryTicks
  • 2018.03.29
HistoryTicks: Автор: fxsaber...

This won't capture all ticks. I've noticed that my broker sends way more ticks than the platform is capable of handling, and I too would like to know if you can hack the ticks.raw file.


This won't capture all ticks. I've noticed that my broker sends way more ticks than the platform is capable of handling, and I too would like to know if you can hack the ticks.raw file.

The EA with pauses will receive as many ticks as the simple EA

void OnTick() {}

The EA with pauses will receive as many ticks as the simple EA

An EA and the MT client platform Is only capable of receiving and processing so many tick update events per second. My broker sends more ticks than the platform can handle but will update the ticks.raw file in batches of missed ticks. So obviously the broker server can send ticks to the client in batches and then the client only triggers the ontick event when it can process another tick. Therefore, you will never have an accurate tick history by collecting ticks via the ontick event handler.
EA и клиентская платформа MT способны только принимать и обрабатывать так много событий обновления обновления в секунду. Мой брокер отправляет больше тиков, чем может обрабатывать платформа, но будет обновлять файл ticks.raw партиями пропущенных тиков. Таким образом, сервер брокера может отправлять тики клиенту пакетами, а затем клиент запускает только событие ontick, когда он может обрабатывать еще один тик. Поэтому у вас никогда не будет точной истории тика, собирая тики через обработчик события ontick.

I do not need this. It was a different matter.


I do not need this. It was a different matter.

The topic of this thread is, "...if there is a way how to get the missing tick data that is on display in the Market Watch window."


The topic of this thread is, "...if there is a way how to get the missing tick data that is on display in the Market Watch window."

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MT4 - Restoring missing ticks from Market Watch window

Ex Ovo Omnia, 2015.01.22 08:54

When the indicator thread becomes busy and misses the next tick, the missed tick data is still displayed in the Market Watch tick chart window.