The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 16

Ah, sorry for the intrusion.

Talk of the USSR:

More than half of Russians believe the collapse of the Soviet Union could have been avoided (51%) and regret that it happened (56%), the Levada Center told Interfax.

The proportion of Russians who are nostalgic about the Soviet era was the highest since November 2010, but the historical high is higher than today - in December 2000, three quarters of Russians (75%) regretted the collapse of the USSR.

At the same time, the number of those who were disheartened by the collapse of the Soviet Union decreased: 28% against 37% in November. However, 16% of respondents in a poll conducted on March 25-28, among 1,600 people in 137 localities of 48 Russian regions found it difficult to answer.

One-third (33%) of respondents said that the collapse of the USSR was inevitable. Seventeen percent were unable to formulate an answer.

As sociologists have found out, the majority of respondents (58%) would like to revive the Soviet Union and the social system, while 44% said it is unrealistic at present. At the same time, every third respondent (31%) would not want to restore the country of the Soviets.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Talk of the USSR:

More than half of Russians believe the collapse of the Soviet Union could have been avoided (51%) and regret that it happened (56%), the Levada Center told Interfax.

The proportion of Russians who are nostalgic about the Soviet era was the highest since November 2010, but the historical high is higher than today - in December 2000, three quarters of Russians (75%) regretted the collapse of the USSR.

At the same time, the number of those who were disheartened by the collapse of the Union has decreased - 28% against 37% in November. It was difficult for 16% of respondents in a poll conducted March 25-28 among 1,600 people in 137 localities of 48 regions of the Russian Federation to answer.

One-third (33%) of respondents said that the collapse of the USSR was inevitable. 17% were unable to formulate an answer.

As sociologists have found out, the majority of respondents (58%) would like to revive the Soviet Union and the social system, while 44% said it is unrealistic at present. At the same time, every third respondent (31%) would not want to restore the country of the Soviets.

So go ahead - throw away computers and mobile phones, switch off the Internet, change to domestic cars, one type of beer, one type of sausage, no forex, etc.

Who's stopping you?


So go ahead - throw away computers and mobiles, switch off the internet, switch to domestic cars, one kind of beer, one kind of sausage, no forex, etc.

Who's stopping you?

What prevents you from having computers and foreign cars in the USSR today? Everything was just small. Therefore, in the modern version of the USSR, shouldn't there have been computers, the internet and sausages?
Alexandr Saprykin:
And what prevents you from having computers and foreign cars in the USSR today? Everything was just not enough. So in the modern semblance of the USSR, shouldn't there be computers, the Internet and sausages?

And what countries will you build the USSR-2 with?

There should definitely be no Internet.


The internet is definitely not supposed to be there.

Why should there be?

If a country was the first to go into space/discover the internet, has it usurped the right to go into space/create its own analogues?

Why should I?
You can't, turn it off.
You can't, turn it off.
A hurt child?
Abused child?

Why should it?

If a country was the first to go into space/discover the internet, has it usurped the right to go into space/create its own analogues?

There was no music, movies, books. Radio was jammed. Net might have been there, but not the internet.