FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 5


By the way Aussie from 04.07.15 0.69 on D1 ))))))


Impossible to what?

To create a grail or tell the whole world about it?

Well, you wrote - find it!
Artem Sidorov:

My thoughts for the week 11.01.16 - 15.01.16

I'm not allowed?
well you wrote - find!

You are right about that, a normal person would not post a grail.

I wrote "find" because I myself am looking for grains of truth on the Internet, with the help of which I hope to create something.

Gunn's angles are one of my finds.

By the way, you guessed it yesterday. The price broke the upper blue dotted line:

...... By the way, you were right yesterday. Price broke the upper blue dotted line:

Why did you use the expression "guessed", here at least "reasonably guessed" ......... personal - yesterday before 16-30MSK I looked and guessed, in principle, as I thought - the impulse went to the body of the candle, but there was a clear moment, that guessed. Up to a dozen of points did not reach the target and as a result I almost dropped out of the market....not once on the history I "ran" my targets, otherwise I would have got rid of forwards, but there are (unfortunately rare) cases when the price goes in the opposite direction against the rules. I can't get rid of such moments, while the case of..... has helped me lose.

(P.S. Don't start the MM song)

so as not to argue (ordinary people) on mythical topics, just operate simply - price! the price wants, the price must....(the price has shopped)
I agree, I do so..... but I want to leave the field of "guessing" completely and move into the field of "educated guess", but how to analyse the work of the engine, not knowing its real device.

Good afternoon...

Can I also give my opinion on the drawings? I once exhibited drawings, Strange was always swearing ... Frankly, it was very unpleasant, so I did not write anything and did not contact ... As they say, do not touch the dirt, so it does not stink.

Who says you can't? Yes, you can. Insert a picture and an explanation.

Why did you use the phrase "guessed", or at least "reasonably assumed" .........

(P.S.Don't start the MM song)

That's the thing, there was exactly no justification))))

I could have relied on breaking the green dotted line, which is pretty strong in a thin market, but I didn't expect the main crowd to leave the market so early...


That's the thing, there was no justification...))

I could have relied on the green dotted line, which is quite strong in the thin market, but I didn't expect the main crowd to leave the market so early...

Caught up to 0930 without volume..... there was no news, Friday, I postponed the sale to Monday for that reason.

But why Tantric "guessed", I would like to hear from him.