FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 349

I don't believe it)
I said I understand and see ...Ruble still to go down to 68 and on sticks still 34 I see ...
The forum is really glitchy and has been for a long time
I said I understand and I see ...Ruble still down to 68 and on sticks still 34 I see ....
I explain. I see it not as a change of trend, but as a correction, as too many passengers after a year and a half have finally realized that the dollar is rising, got on the train above 90, they got tea and are waiting for the train to move on. I can see them unloading further with a lower limit of 90. Maybe a little lower, but not much, they'll keep on waiting a long time. Audi I see around 80, oil 75, Euro around 1.20. Av late 16 - 17 welcome to the zugunder)

No one believed it either, except Idler, laughing like horses)))

I said I understand and see... The rouble will go down to 68 and I still see 34 on the sticks...

Eh, if the sticks show you such things, you'd better throw them away, the ruble will never be 34 again, but we will see 80 by the end of the year, the ruble will be lowered methodically and the Central Bank itself has a hand in it.


If that is what the sticks are showing you, better throw them away, the ruble will never be 34 again, we will see 80 by the end of the year, the ruble will be devalued methodically and the Central Bank itself has had a hand in it.

You just cannot understand the ruble exchange rate is more of a game. Both inside the country and outside... A drop in the ruble often corresponds to the time when state corporations pay their debts... So, rising oil will lead to domestic appetite and new "construction" projects... And they always work... It just needs to know how to build them... You should not just build them but draw conclusions.
as predictive as it sounds....
But 1.11 was the apex of the profurcet((((

now its move to 1.0750.

Thank you!

D1 forecast 1.1280, no "vector" on eve (just a 50/50 forecast), I will post vectors in my thread.

You just can not understand the ruble exchange rate is more of a game... both inside the country and outside ... Very often, the fall in the ruble corresponded to the time when state corporations paid their debts ... So rising oil will lead to domestic appetite and new "construction" and foreign countries understand that ... And as for sticks, they always work ... They just need to be able to build them ... Not just build but make conclusions .

That our life is a game and handicap is a big playground))

But the ruble should go into space, he is an astronaut.

Explanation. I see it not as a change of trend, but as a correction, too many passengers after a year and a half have finally realized that the dollar is rising, got on the train above 90, they were brought tea and are waiting for the train to move on.
On the other hand, you need to screw these people in order to make money )))) Beat your own people so that others are afraid ... On the other hand, there is no one else to beat but your own people with rubles ...

D1 forecast 1.1280, no "vector" on eve (just a 50/50 forecast), I'll post vectors in my thread.
