FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1892


With these parameters the oscillator will rotate near the axis. Below the axis buy, above the axis sell, like at the bottom of the chart buy, above sell.

Are you serious? Or maybe you just remembered something long forgotten? Ha-ha-ha!

Where is the bottom of the chart?

And why are you laughing again?


sold today, but the price is out and it's Friday...

Closed the pound, I'll leave it till next week:

And why close when you have the support in the picture very close? If you had Strange, he would have told you a long time ago)))) then you would have known exactly where... I wish you had some kind of analysis for the direction, all levels in different directions - one and the same disorientation...:-)
Evgeniya Balchin:
Why close when you have the support in the picture very close?
and on the daily, it's also close, lower by 140 p....
Evgeniya Balchin:
)))))) are these the parameters of a woman? )))) Wow!!! What a size!!!!! I don't know about that at all.
It's the perfect size.
This is the perfect size.
)))))) a picture of the ideal size please, so you can check it out)))

Where is the bottom of the chart?

And why are you laughing again?

I am laughing because the coryphaei in this branch of stochastics vomit yellow-green right on the keyboard and I suspect that you are an old-timer and fooling around. But if you're not, I'm sorry.

For justice' sake, if I used such parameters of stochastics for filtering, I wouldn't buy them so early.


I'm laughing because the coryphaei in this thread are vomiting stochastics yellow-green right on the keyboard and I suspect that you're one of the old timers and are fooling around. But if not, I'm sorry.

If I had used these parameters for the filter, I would not have bought so early.

What are the old-timers and what does that have to do with me?

And what's not to buy yet?


What are the coryphaei and what does that have to do with me?

and what not to buy yet?

You'll understand in time. Good luck!

It's a bit of a mystery.

Vadim Zotov:

Eh, could have taken EURUSD another 200 pips from 1.0800 support today. Modesty. They say modesty is a good thing.

But that is not the point. The main thing is the confirmation of the theory that one can trade from the strong levels. The more you trade from the level, the larger the profit. The main thing is not to be greedy.

Establish not more than 1.6 Fibo from the first wave reflected. Just do not miss it. Profits will be huge. Stop will be only one level behind. Profits in total should exceed the stop. After the stop, the logic changes, you should not climb here again. We are looking for another level. Perhaps on another currency pair.

We should have kept it, so now we are not worried about the lost profit.