FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1683


So the first ray is redrawn as the extremum changes. After all, it needs a second point to be drawn, which was changing until the annual max was formed.

Does it mean that all previous calculations before the maxima are wrong?

The angles on the chart, just like circles, visually cannot help but change when one of the axes changes. And since in MT the axes do not change synchronously when changing TFs... then accordingly...

The 90 degree angle on your chart does not look like a straight line, maybe the wrong TF?

Look at my screenshots carefully. The channel validity criterion is a breakdown of the right border. I.e. the counter-movement has started and on the lower scale the correction has ALREADY happened, hence the re-drawing is impossible. Or we are talking about different rays. Only the completed channel is considered. I don't quite get you when you talk about the yearly high. There is no TF for me in your sense, only extrema.

Visual change in angles when you change scale doesn't mean they actually change. Remember what I said about invariants? It's a parameter that doesn't change when you change reference frames. So, when you change the scale, the ratio of segments and angles does not change, although the angles themselves do change. To understand it, you should build two segments with the ratio 1 to 2 and change the scales. The length of the segments will change, but the ratio will remain 1 to 2. It's the same with angles. And with circles. If you are interested in this question, it was thoroughly examined on the onyx-tray forum in 2007, and the indicators were created there as well. So no matter how you click the TF, the ratios of indicator segments, angle ratios and circle parameter ratios will remain the same.

This is why the angle is not similar to 90 degrees. This action sets the speeds in relation to the previous movement. This is why they are set rigidly.

In the screenshot, identical segments are drawn with arrows facing each other. The left-up arrow is the channel median (connects extrema) and the top-right-down arrow is the first velocity. It is equal to the average speed of the price in the channel, only with an opposite sign.

Yury Reshetov:
On the contrary, the nitty-gritty is about to begin.
What nifty stuff smells like war, as you know the rats are the first to abandon ship, Soros is the first of them
Yury Reshetov:
On the contrary, a lot of goodies are about to start.
Already started:)
There's a pound on the screen, Lyosha what's wrong with you? ....
And the second currency is the euro? It's not even funny anymore.
Alexey Busygin:
And the second currency is the euro? That's not even funny anymore.
How about if I show you the pound futures, same chart, one-to-one, but without the second currency? ))))
Alexey Busygin:
What a load of rubbish war smells, as you know the rats are the first to abandon ship, Soros is the first of them.

There's a war everywhere you look. So far it's only been too long without a war in the P.S.R.

Guess it's gonna get there lightly too, huh?


iPulsar - indicator of significant price levels

...Developed in 2012, posted in MQL4 forum. In November 2015 , at Lesorub's request, it was improved by adding alerts to let a trader track several price charts in parallel...
Ilya, what are the levels and how do they behave in school?
Don't be intimidated. Soros is no indicator. The market can eat him up too.
The market won't eat him, of that you can be sure he knows it better than the English alphabet.

Ilya, tell me what the levels are and how they behave at school.
The stick is thrown - alert.
How about if I show you the pound futures, the same chart, one-to-one, but without the second currency? ))))
Old man, you look like you've lost your mind. Go bang on the corner of your wooden cesspool - maybe the grey will turn back, if there's anything left in your brain!